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  1. Hoopty

    Radwagon Renegerative Braking activates without engaging brakes

    Tech support at Rad Power said it's triggered by the speed. When I emailed to ask how I could fix it, I got the response below; -------- "regenerative braking will kick on when you reach a certain threshold speed. You are able to adjust this setting by increasing that speed in your settings...
  2. Hoopty

    Radwagon Renegerative Braking activates without engaging brakes

    Did anyone figure out this out? my radwagon's regenerative braking always comes on when trying to coast. I've been putting up with it...but needing to throttle or pedal all the time kinda sux.
  3. Hoopty

    Banana seat

    I think it's custom made... I like the previous link from Drew (double springs in back AND a seat post shock!)
  4. Hoopty

    Battery Caps for transport & washing!

    I'd like to give 1859 Northwest some props :cool: They have the power cord plugs back in stock now (I've been waiting/hoping for a few months now!) I also picked up the battery caps and the thumb throttle attachment. Really cool products...and it's the little things that make a difference!