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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    Thank you, Nirmala, for posting the latest from Jeff. Given all of that, we don't expect to have production battery packs ready to ship before early-mid August. Fortunately, there's zero assembly required for the packs - they arrive turn-key. So we can assemble everything else in advance, and...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    Below is a link to an excellent article about delays in shipping crowdfunded products: Here is a bit of the article... Between Kickstarter’s frauds and phenoms live long-delayed projects...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    An update may be on the way by tomorrow. Here is what was posted on the page: 24 hours ago Sorry everyone – our Update was held up by our patent attorney for disclosure reasons. Should go out within 48 hrs now. Stay tuned!
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    I got the information from one of the only two places I know of that, for now, have news and/or comments about the ShareRoller. (I regularly do Google News searches for "shareroller" and/or "Jeff Guida.") (1) ShareRoller's Indiegogo comments page...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    "[W]e now expect final assembly to kick-off in late June." In the meantime, with electric hub motor kits being available from WalMart for under $170, I can make do with a lesser e-bike while waiting for the wonderful ShareRoller v4. At that price it helps allay my concern about an expensive...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    "[T]his should enable us to begin final assembly by mid to late May, and start shipping very soon thereafter." Thank you as always, Nirmala, for posting the email. Those of us not on the email list really appreciate it. After you Indiegogo folks get your Sharerollers, I hope to be in the next...
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    ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

    Thank you very much for posting the ShareRoller emails. I am one of the more recent ShareRoller fans who didn't learn about it until after the Indiegogo campaign had closed. I was about to buy an electric scooter for my short commute, but that same day I found the ShareRoller web site and was...