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  1. C

    ST1-T vs. ST1-X: Anyone ridden both?

    Nice, adding some extra tension then having the bike there without being able to ride it ;-).
  2. C

    ST1-T vs. ST1-X: Anyone ridden both?

    Like yourself I was convinced of the x but then needed a battery upgrade and fell for the st2 initially but then I got silly and 'needed' the better light and the idea of electronic shifting seems just really cool so st2s. Commuting for a year and a half now of which the second half on a...
  3. C

    ST1-T vs. ST1-X: Anyone ridden both?

    Yes I hope you enjoy your bike! I think they've got quite a good set of products from St1t - St1x - St2 - St2s which helps them up-sell to the more expensive models :-) The price difference taking into account the bigger battery is not that much between each of them. Its how I ended up buying a...