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  1. G

    Creo and Garmin Edge 1040:Cadence shows 1 when should be zero

    Riding my Creo, Garmin Edge 1040 shows a cadence of 1 when I am not pedaling. When I ride my Orbea, the cadence is correct. Orbea is Shimano Steps. Creo is what SRAM and ? I cannot find any adjustments on either the Creo or the Edge. (other than "do not count zero", which is engaged) Any ideas...
  2. G

    2022 Creo Evo remote buttons, the Mastermind TCU and Mission Control

    My Creo came with the remote buttons installed. They work for changing power assist. My question is how do I use them to change the display screen on the TCU. I have Mission Control paired to the bike. And have set up Mission Control "change display" with the screens I want. I was able through...