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  1. SondorsMXS

    MXS dropping chain on bumpy trail with 52T Narrow-Wide upgrade Chainring

    Hi, I upgraded my chainring to the next larger size from stock on my MXS (went to 52T chainring). I though it would tighten my chain if anything. Went down a bumpy trail at a good speed and the chain came off my chainring. I still have the chainring guards on both side of the chain. Any sort...
  2. SondorsMXS

    3M clear bra application

    I purchased some 3M clear bra when I first got the bike. Did the forks, down tube, top tube, seat stay and chain stay. Now finally got to the battery box. I get it, its a bike, it's supposed to get scratched. BUT...for the OCD in you (and me), we can't stand scratches...on anything we own...
  3. SondorsMXS

    Watch the front brake line

    Hi, just a FYI on your Sondors (my bike is a MXS). I heard some slight noise on the front wheel when coasting slowly and pushing my bike. I thought it was just some dirt on the front disc or pads (happens). I'm glad I took a closer look, my front disc brake hydraulic line was slightly rubbing...
  4. SondorsMXS

    New EBike owner-MXS

    I have had my new Sondors MXS (Torch color) for about a month. I can't stop smiling! I feel that for the price, I have the best bang for the buck bike (size/components/power/batter capacity/features/tires/etc.) I immediately cleaned the frame and wheels, did some paint sealant (Jetseal), and...