Search results

  1. Sierratim

    NASA METL Tires Coming Soon?

    The price hasn't been announced, but this might be a truly puncture proof tire...
  2. Sierratim

    'Chuck' Yeager - "Fastest man alive"

    Retired Brig. Gen. Charles 'Chuck' Yeager's death was announced today . He was 97. Chuck had made his home in Grass Valley, CA since 1975. Grass Valley is the 'sister' city of Nevada City, our home. Chuck Yeager was a U.S. Air Force combat pilot in WWII being credited with shooting down 13...
  3. Sierratim

    It's DEC 7th

    December 7th, 1941, 7:55AM Hawaii time. The attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii has begun. The United States would declare war against Japan and then against all the Axis powers shortly there after. Within days my future father, like all of his brothers and friends...
  4. Sierratim

    Changing gearing on my Vado 5

    My Vado 5 was equipped with a 11-42t 11-speed cassette and a 48t wide/narrow chain ring. This has worked well on all my rides, with one minor exception. I did a 45 mile loop with over 6,000' of climbing. On the last long climb of the day I was in the granny gear and Turbo assist for several...
  5. Sierratim

    Chain length calculator

    Over the years I've modified gearing on most of my bikes. What to do about the existing chain was always an issue; longer, shorter, who knew until you could wrap it around the biggest cog and front ring. So considering another change I (finally) did the obvious and Googled 'chain length...
  6. Sierratim

    Battery free ebike?

    Hackaday articles are (mostly) always fun. How about a BATTERY FREE ebike? Gotta love Tesla, the engineer, not necessarily the car company.
  7. Sierratim

    How cycling can keep you young

    Nice article for us oldies at; How Cycling Can Keep You Young. I like the subtitle, too; "SENIOR BIKE RIDERS HAVE THE SAME WALKING EFFICIENCY AS ADULTS IN THEIR TWENTIES, A STUDY FINDS.", but we all knew that I think...😎
  8. Sierratim

    It's fire season again

    California has an annual wild fire season that starts about this time every year. This year it's being ushered in with record high temperatures , 109°F in Modesto - a new record and 130°F in Death Valley - an 89 year record. On top of that season monsoonal moisture is being accompanied with...
  9. Sierratim

    Ultrasonic cleaner?

    I searched the forums and didn't find any posts related to using an ultrasonic cleaner for bike maintenance so here goes... Cleaning the cassette should be done periodically. I do it less often than I should simply because it's tedious. I'm considering getting an $80 ultrasonic cleaner that...
  10. Sierratim

    Study Finds Cyclists Don’t Cause Congestion

    Who knew this was even a thing but apparently a British scientist reported in 2016 that facilities for cyclists “resulted in a measurable pollution increase” as “traffic comes to a standstill.” A recent article in features a Portland, OR study that disputes this...
  11. Sierratim

    Vado batteries avaialble

    This Euro online bike shop is advertising the 604Wwh Vado battery for $979 plus $11 ship, no sales tax. Delivery to California is quoted as June 19-24th. The color matched cover is not included.
  12. Sierratim

    New Specialized Ad - Worth A Look

    A new Specialized electric bike ad was announced on one of my news feeds today; It's a fun clip worth a look.
  13. Sierratim

    Specialized TCD-W with built-in anti-theft feature?

    Was checking out the lower price on the Vado 5 and noticed under E-BIKE that the Tech Specs now include, UI/REMOTE Specialized TCD-W w/ handlebar remote & built-in anti-theft feature, Bluetooth® connectivity, 5 available display pages This spec was not in the Tech Specs last Spring. I...
  14. Sierratim

    Disc Brakes and Pads

    How many miles are you getting on a set of pads? What brand and type of pads? I've never owned a disc brake equipped bike before my Vado 5 though I have worked on a few with my sons and at the local 'bicycle kitchen'. Nice stopping power, but my pads wear much faster than I'd expected. I got...
  15. Sierratim

    Greetings from the Sierras

    I've been posting for a bit and realized I should have introduced myself. I'm a retired engineer (electrical and computer science) living with my loving wife (an engineering geologist) of nearly 50 years in California's beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains. We cycle for fun and exercise and for...
  16. Sierratim

    A developing battery tech

    Just read this article re an enhanced lithium battery tech; The main claim to fame is rapid charge times, but the 30% increase in energy density to me...
  17. Sierratim

    Vado touring?

    My wife and I are planning an unsupported bike tour up Oregon's Willamette Valley this Summer, plus a few side trips. We've done a number of supported bike tours with mechanical bikes. This will be our first unsupported bike tour and our first on ebikes. We won't be "bikepacking". We'll be...