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  1. M

    Saddle fitting on rad mini

    Got my radmini and it’s super fun tho the saddle fit is kind of weird and I think may be affecting my knees. Thoughts on this ?
  2. M

    Best Lock Style/Size for Radmini

    New to using bike as main mode of transportation and owning a bike worth really trying to stop people from stealing. I'm curious if anyone has had experience or insight on what would be a good option for rad mini with its unique frame and fat tire that of course is tight, thick, more tamper...
  3. M

    2018 Addmotor MOTAN M150-P7 vs. 2018 Radmini

    Interested in any comparison between these 2. Seem pretty similar. Rad is very responsive with their support which is huge bc i'm not an expert on electric bikes or a bike mechanic.