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  1. C

    removing battery st1

    I have a couple of stromers, including an older St1 from 2013. I am unable to pop the battery compartment. Any suggestions? thanks
  2. C

    Fat tire mountain bike

    Hi, I currently own a couple of Stromers, looking to purchase a couple mountain ebikes for my husband and I. For these bikes I prefer to be in $2000 range, any suggestions? Thank you
  3. C

    ST5 Battery removal

    Can anyone provide specific instructions on how to pop out the battery using a small screwdriver, on frame opposite side of battery? My screen is blank, and I need to pop out battery to reset, so I can ride to repair shop. (This recently occurred, I loaded bike into car for repair and this is...
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    Ebike for towing

    Hi, I would like to purchase a couple ebikes for daughter and son in law. They also have an 80 lb dog they like to bring everywhere. Is there an ebike recommendation for towing? They currently have the trailer, but no bikes. We have a bike bath that connects us to them, app 15 miles away. Thanks
  5. C

    Stromer ST1 charger, can it be repaired?

    I have two older ST1s, and one charger. I have a couple of chargers that no longer work. Possible to repair? I would like to have a back up charger on hand. (I also have a newer ST5, but that is a different charger).
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    Rack time pannier for Stromer 5

    I have a racktime pannier for my Stromer 5. The sides are soft and get caught in wheel assembly. Does anyone have one they like or a fix for panniers in general? I prefer the two side saddlebags, not the top unit with zip out side side bags. Thanks!
  7. C

    Requesting assistance...which bike?

    Hoping to get some feedback on bike purchase. First ebike was 2014, I purchased a Stromer ST1, at that time not even sure how I would be using it. It had become my main mode of transportation, as well as 30-50 mile rides, hills I would not have attempted on a regular bike. I have never owned...
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    Power on ST3

    Hi, I appreciate the feedback I get on this forum. I had previously posted: I have a new ST3 which felt heavy and nonresponsive. Had difficulty riding on flat. Bike shop finally recognized there was a bike issue, apparently the "brains" of the bike had been sending error messages since...
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    ST3 -need more feedback

    I iniitally posted end of Feb, "upgraded" from ST1 to ST3 based on positive reviews I had read. Initially overall sluggish ride. I had difficulty with app connectivity to change settings, that was solved , gave up on bluetooth connectivity. Rode on small trips, thought I needed to get used to...
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    ST3 connectivity

    Ordered ST3 to replace my ST1. Rode bike home from dealer yesterday. Felt heavy and sluggish- difficulty with going up even smaller hills at level 3. Assumed I needed to change app settings, which is new to me as ST1 tech is obviously different. (I had downloaded Omni app at dealer, but could...
  11. C

    Squeaking Brakes ST1

    I purchased a reconditioned stromer from a reputable electric bike shop in November 2016. I have taken my bike back six times due to squealing brakes- each time so loud - that bike is not rideable. 6th visit I was told that rotors were removed - brake pads cleaned- brake pads consistently have...