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  1. Kathy Smith

    Basket holes distance on Dolphin

    The Sena R1 Evo is even better! Unfortunately it's out of stock at the moment. I'm keeping the OEM light for now. My project is now complete.
  2. Kathy Smith

    Basket holes distance on Dolphin

    From my calculations I think I will get 22mm bolts. But I need M6 not M5. I went to a hardware store yesterday and tried. The light is bulky and it won't fit under the Brompton block. Could I wire a different light? Any recommendations? I'm getting a Sena helmet so a hubby and I can...
  3. Kathy Smith

    Basket holes distance on Dolphin

    Thanks for this. I bought the Brompton mounting block. I don't even think I need any adapter. Since the block is made out of plastic I'm shaping it to fit my volador. I redrilled the holes to be bigger and added another hole in the Brompton metal attachment plate. Got M6 screws but 10mm is...
  4. Kathy Smith

    Basket holes distance on Dolphin

    Hi Goldconch, I think that you said that you have the Qualisports basket. Can you tell me the exact screws it uses? You said 3x10mm M5 bolts (0.8mm thread pitch). Is that all? Thanks!
  5. Kathy Smith

    Carrying case for Qualisports Dolphin and Volador

    I ordered 2 of these this morning. Thanks for pointing me to these
  6. Kathy Smith

    Carrying case for Qualisports Dolphin and Volador

    Too bad there isn't one that wouldn't require any extra work. I might ask my bike shop to do this for me
  7. Kathy Smith

    Carrying case for Qualisports Dolphin and Volador

    Thanks, looks like this should work!
  8. Kathy Smith

    Carrying case for Qualisports Dolphin and Volador

    Thanks. I might get the Volador bag and research something else for the Dolphin. Is there any specific rear derailleur guard I should get or pretty much any of them will do?
  9. Kathy Smith

    Carrying case for Qualisports Dolphin and Volador

    Does anyone know if there is a carrying case that would fit either the Volador or the Dolphin? I would love to keep the bikes in their cases when I put them folded in the car so they don't bang around. Any ideas?
  10. Kathy Smith

    Can the Dolphin 2.3 inch tire be fitted on the Volado rims?

    I think that's the HS 439.
  11. Kathy Smith

    Can the Dolphin 2.3 inch tire be fitted on the Volado rims?

    Did you get SUPER MOTO-X HS 439?
  12. Kathy Smith

    Basket holes distance on Dolphin

    Thanks, I will continue investigating. I might just ask bike shop guys who sell Brompton to see if they can just attach the Brompton adapter directly.
  13. Kathy Smith

    Basket holes distance on Dolphin

    Sorry to bother you again but would you be able to look at this adapter and tell me if you think this would fit the qualisport? It does say that it uses M5 bolts. Thank you
  14. Kathy Smith

    Basket holes distance on Dolphin

    I will! Any idea if for some reason drilling new holes is not advisable?
  15. Kathy Smith

    Saddle Replacement

    I'm ordering 2 to try. I'm getting Cloud 9 Kush Plus Airflow Comfort and Bikeroo ( I will try them and decide which one fits me best
  16. Kathy Smith

    Basket holes distance on Dolphin

    I want to use Brompton bags, so I'm hoping to install Brompton block adapter. It's not the same hole configuration but you can buy an adapter for Dahon which also has 15mm distance between holes. If this doesn't work I'll ask my local bike to drill holes.
  17. Kathy Smith

    Basket holes distance on Dolphin

    Thanks so much. This is very helpful!
  18. Kathy Smith

    Basket holes distance on Dolphin

    Would anyone be able to measure how many inches apart are the holes for mounting the basket? I'm hoping I can attach an adapter that can take one of the Brompton bags. My bike is coming soon and I would love to figure this out ASAP. Thank you!