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  1. pyromuffin

    Found a sweet deal on a demo unit, but how do I check battery health?

    Excellent, I'll ask the bike store if they can give me this report. It doesn't look like the tool is available for the general public.
  2. pyromuffin

    Found a sweet deal on a demo unit, but how do I check battery health?

    I can't find where compatibility is listed for that app. R&M use bosch motors and batteries, and I don't think they have bluetooth anything. Though I expect chemistry and battery health is pretty similar across all batteries that use the same chemistry. I imagine there might be some hardware...
  3. pyromuffin

    Found a sweet deal on a demo unit, but how do I check battery health?

    There's an pretty good seeming deal on a 2018 class 3 riese and muller nuvinci delite at my local bike shop, $5500 for an 8000 dollar bike! I am pretty much ready to buy it, but first I want to know what I should watch out for with purchasing a demo unit. How can I tell how many cycles remain on...