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  1. chunk

    Cannabis, how is it legalized?

    Getting punched in the belly is better than the "wooden shampoo" the LAPD was fond of in the early '60s in Los Angeles.
  2. chunk

    Cannabis, how is it legalized?

    I remember in the early 70's the anti drug propaganda films they showed to us as a early teenager. Just ridiculous, they implied that if you used pot you'd hallucinate and touch the flame of a gas burner, because you thought the flame was a flower. I still remember that and even then I knew it...
  3. chunk

    Cannabis, how is it legalized?

    I've been a vegetarian for more than 30 years now, just finished a mozzarella, tomato, and onion sandwich on whole wheat, 1/2 cup of homemade bean soup and an apple. I'm not a fanatic about though, if I were out and served me meat of some kind I'd just take a few nibbles and not make a fuss. I...
  4. chunk

    Cannabis, how is it legalized?

    I don't smoke, but pot should be treated like alcohol, regulated and taxed, but not taxed to the point that it creates a black market, like is being addressed in Calif. now I read recently. I actually think most drugs should be legalized along with prostitution, criminalizing a behavior won't...
  5. chunk

    Looking For A High-Visibility Bicycle Helmet Recommendation

    I think whether it's falling off a horse, bicycle, or even a MC, it's pretty hard to predict how and what part is going to take an impact. Obviously, any helmet is better than nothing. Find a comfy one and wear it.
  6. chunk

    Add oil to wood fence/cabin weather treatment?

    and I thought i was old. 😂
  7. chunk

    Need a part for a Reention Dorado battery.. Where do I go?

    Like that commercial for an e vehicle at the gas station. "No gas, no squeegee"
  8. chunk

    Warm Weather Water Bottle Hack

    Or freeze the bottles of h20, in the SoCal sun here in the summer, it melts just fast enough to keep me hydrated and slowly enough that it stays cold down to the last drop.
  9. chunk

    Earbuds and wind noise

    Not true in my experience. Under my helmet I still hear plenty good, they just block out the persistent whine of the wind noise that will damage a persons hearing. At petrol stops I can carry on a conversation with ear plugs in and my helmet on. After 40 plus years on motorcycles I would have...
  10. chunk

    Earbuds and wind noise

    If the goal is to block wind noise, these work great. I use them for riding my motorcycle under my helmet. Cheap, reusable for awhile, then toss for a new pair. Very comfortable and will fit most all ear canals. I can still hear with them in, but they block the damaging noise. I've been...
  11. chunk

    Electric Car thread

    Not to mention electric vehicles are almost maintenance free I would think.
  12. chunk

    Electric Car thread

    Thanks for the clarification. For my style of driving and needed range it wouldn't be much of an issue, but fast charging would always be a good thing if the need were to arise. I didn't know that the commercial charging stations pushed DC out directly to the battery.
  13. chunk

    Electric Car thread

    So that looks like from what I read, about 10 hours from E to F, if mostly depleted? Overnight charge will be sufficient for a full battery I guess. That's not really a big deal, kind of like gas fairies filling the tank with petrol while you sleep, but it should be much cheaper. I read that...
  14. chunk

    Sliding saddle post

    I got a hose clamp the correct length, so there was no tail hanging out, painted it black and cinched it down. Problem solved now and it came out of my junk box as usual. It also serves as a stop now for the correct saddle height.
  15. chunk

    Have you seen a ghost

    Weird thing i think, real story. About 5 years ago my dad was in the hospital in ICU and wasn't expected to live too long, but I had just left the hospital and as soon as I got home I got a call that he had just passed on. After I hung up, (i was in my garage at the time) i saw my buffing...
  16. chunk

    Are You Kidding Me Pricing?

    HD dealers have been fleecing their customers ever since HD's became a "thing" with the rubs, but now the riders are aging out of motorcycling and HD are sucking hind tit, so I guess it's on to the their e bike customers now, to rip off.
  17. chunk

    What spoke wrench for these spokes?

    You could always measure the spoke bit (nipple?) that the wrench fits on. I was curious and just measured mine, 3.96 mm / .156. Found a Park wrench with those dimensions for about $7.00.
  18. chunk

    What is wrong with Spandex...

    The fellow in the green "V" shaped thing is quite a sight, and what's with the gun nut trying to make sexy pose? Certainly good for a chuckle.😂
  19. chunk

    What is wrong with Spandex...

    Not on a surfer, but there are plenty of speedos around Santa Monica beach. And a lot aren't on the women. Yikes.
  20. chunk

    What is wrong with Spandex...

    I was body surfing once and had a seal pop up from under the water about 3 feet away from me. After I realized it wasn't "Jaws", I thought how much like a Labrador it looked like. We just looked at each other for a few moments, and he / she dipped back under the surf. That's a pretty good...