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  1. Shel-done

    Second Conversion - Priority Continuum Onyx Build Thread

    Hi EBR forum goers, Creating a thread to document my upcoming ebike conversion project. I have high hopes for this build after returning a pre-built ebike that didn't meet my expectations. My primary use-case for this bike will be commuting to work at minimum 3 days a week (approx. 70 miles...
  2. Shel-done

    First Conversion - Giant Talon MTB to Commuter

    Hi, my name is Sheldon! I'm a long time lurker of these forums and big fan on EBR's thorough reviews. Decided to "give" back to this forum via a post detailing my first DIY conversion for my posterity and possibly inspiration for others. This was my first foray into the electric bike sphere...
  3. Shel-done

    Currently in the planning phase of a DIY ebike build based on a Priority Continuum Onyx (ordered...

    Currently in the planning phase of a DIY ebike build based on a Priority Continuum Onyx (ordered already)
  4. Shel-done

    My Atom Arrived - Not Quite As Expected/Ordered

    Well, after additional conversations with Gregg they offered to pay for the bike to be returned to WW to be rebuilt/fixed with the additional items installed & tested. I originally agreed to continue working with WW until satisfied with the outcome during our call but quickly began mulling over...
  5. Shel-done

    My Atom Arrived - Not Quite As Expected/Ordered

    Figured another update was due, so I'll share what's transpired since my last comment. Gregg continues to be responsive and incredibly helpful. He's easily been the single saving grace to my experience with WW thus far. However, at this current stage I'm just so remorseful of my decision to...
  6. Shel-done

    Eye glasses built in to the helmet

    I ended up switching back to a more basic Bern helmet with less frills. Heat, weight and overall size of the Giro Bexley are what put me off (external size, it fit my head fine). It's not for everyone and I agree with your assessment, it probably doesn't breathe well enough for summer days when...
  7. Shel-done

    Eye glasses built in to the helmet

    The Giro Bexley has a retractable eye shield. I just purchased and tried this helmet for a day before returning but only due to size. It was by far the most comfortable, over-the-top, feature packed helmet I've seen and completely overkill for me personally. If you want a retracting eye shield...
  8. Shel-done

    My Atom Arrived - Not Quite As Expected/Ordered

    Yep, Gregg from WW called me on Monday to discuss possible solutions. He was patient and explained that part swaps occur but typically not without the buyers awareness from Sales. However, he also explained they will usually aim to upgrade parts if the original selections aren't available and I...
  9. Shel-done

    My Atom Arrived - Not Quite As Expected/Ordered

    Hm, good point. Never thought about asking for better cells from one of the companies on Aliexpress. I'll give that a shot if I find the small capacity wanting or when its time to get a new battery. I imagine things will be fine until I start towing around my daughter or doing more loaded rides...
  10. Shel-done

    My Atom Arrived - Not Quite As Expected/Ordered

    I would love to get rid of the tensioner if I can. Will look at the chain to see if I can shorten it and use the frame's tensioning design to make things work. I didn't really get a ton of details from WW about why this setup was required, which is something I'd get if shopping at a LBS...
  11. Shel-done

    My Atom Arrived - Not Quite As Expected/Ordered

    Hello EBR forum goers, Figured I'd share my experience purchasing from Wattwagons for others to see. My goal with this post is to be factual with minimal opinion or bias. Most of what I'm sharing comes from memory, my order confirmation and the original spec sheet listed on Wattwagons site. I...
  12. Shel-done

    The "UNOFFICIAL" Atom FAQ thread...

    @pushkar - Greg called me earlier this month twice to discuss options but I never received a follow-up email. Would love to discuss options for my Atom order because at this point I'm not sure where my order is at and I'm up against a ticking clock to return to office in January.