Search results

  1. tomjasz

    Problem with Mid Bafang Motor

    yes, but there are some shitty firmware versions out in the wild.
  2. tomjasz

    The transition

    Wild West of Chinese electric cars...
  3. tomjasz

    Problem with Mid Bafang Motor

    When the magnet passes the sensor does the red led flash?
  4. tomjasz

    Known Issues & Problems with Day 6 Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Well I find very few Day6 electric posts anywhere. I love my Day6 but it does have some serious issue. The steering dynamics really are awful. The seller is terrible about support. Simple questions aren't addressed. A simple chain link specification can't be had! Frustrating... Morre to come
  5. tomjasz

    Rear rack trunk bags? Messenger bag?

    I guess we got what we asked for! WTF 60F in February.
  6. tomjasz

    Winter Sucks

    Winona is called, tongue in cheek, the tropical corner of Minnesnowta. We're like one or two degree days warmer than Mpls. This year is unlike any of my 72 years of living in or traveling to Minnesnowta! When we decided to retire here we watched the weather reports daily and there were...
  7. tomjasz

    Dutch police begin roadside testing to curb illegal ebikes

    My way as well. I discovered my builds were dangerous when panic stops were needed. :eating me to dumb down a build and convert another build to hydraulic, I often get in trouble for criticizing kit builders using Walfart $200 fat bikes built with middrives capable of >30MPH.
  8. tomjasz

    Winter Sucks

    It's been an incredible winter for eBikes and eTrans builds. I've only missed the days I was in poor health. The first ride in 6" of snow and blizzard was a real adventure.
  9. tomjasz

    Facebook experts. 1 eBike experts

    I'm totally freaked out by the threads on Facebook. So many self proclaimed experts suggesting batteries are totally safe to charge unattended and overnight. What's even more disconcerting are the suggestion that top flight eBike, Specialized and their ilk, are completely safe to charge willy...
  10. tomjasz

    Great plan, poor execution

    It cost me about the same and I have some left from a dozen builds and routine maintenance.
  11. tomjasz

    Reention - Dorado Battery parts?

    I can confirm stock for 36v 48v and 52v Reention Dorado power LED. Reention Dorado Pro Mini Ebike Battery Power Indicator Power Display One LED 36v 48V Battery Indicator One LED USB Plug PCB BMS
  12. tomjasz

    Logging in sucks

    When I try to login I get the following pages. To get to forums I have to click on the list of recent posts. ARGH!
  13. tomjasz


    It was once about a dreamy eyed engineer from Israel. Now an electric construction equipment dealer. Micah didn't endorse the Vruzend kits, he was a part of the company. Which has now disappeared. I have a bunch of them gathering dust. It's the endorsement of cheap eBikes that turned me sour...
  14. tomjasz


    Poke me when you decide. I've got a box of goodies.
  15. tomjasz

    HMI DP C010 CB & Bluetooth with Bafang GO+ App

    Bafang's primary directive.
  16. tomjasz

    Will Reention Polly DP9 fit RadRover 5?

    We saw problems in ALL.
  17. tomjasz

    Chain Replacement Question

    Might be just fine. Try it. You can always go back and remove two.
  18. tomjasz

    This is not good, and its my fault

    Long time (30 year) MAC user here. Apple TV, iPod, iPad, MAC books(plural) iWatch, iPhone, and I find them to be the most user friendly devices. Prior to Apple I built a dozen desktop and towers. I got tired of fixing stuff and just went Apple.