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  1. Craig Morrison

    Speed Hack - no more limited by 27MPH cutoff ??

    Thanks Peter, looks like you've done a lot of testing and have it covered. All the best, Craig
  2. Craig Morrison

    Speed Hack - no more limited by 27MPH cutoff ??

    Hi Peter, v nice hack, and professional services as well! :) Just one comment, would the weight be better distributed if the additional battery was mounted on the down tube above the controller? Or is this location too vulnerable and in way of pedalling? Cheers, C
  3. Craig Morrison

    Speed Hack - no more limited by 27MPH cutoff ??

    Excellent! Thank you Peter...
  4. Craig Morrison

    Speed Hack - no more limited by 27MPH cutoff ??

    Hi Peter, Merry Christmas. Can you tell us what make/model battery, charger and bag you are using. Purchased via eBay I guess?
  5. Craig Morrison

    Neo Carbon code 5

    Mate, you didn't read my post very well... I'm in Sydney Australia ...and Jet Black (AKA BH Australia) are next to useless. Merry Christmas :)
  6. Craig Morrison

    Neo Carbon code 5

    I havent had a similar problem. But do agree that BH factory support outside Europe being next to useless... The distributor in Australia relies on dealers to resolve probs, so important you buy from one that can support niggling problems such as battery warranty claims etc
  7. Craig Morrison

    Neo Cross Frame Size help.. wanted

    Their bikes do run a but large though. +1
  8. Craig Morrison

    Battery Maintenance - Away for 5 months

    I'd keep your nephews well away from it! ;) Should be aok if you have someone flick the wall power switch on to charge occasionally...
  9. Craig Morrison

    My Son's Neo Carbon

    :-) I try not to tell the wife! I can help if anyone needs shipping help from Australia...
  10. Craig Morrison

    My Son's Neo Carbon

    I'm sure Peter can help you with a Dealer in Denmark...
  11. Craig Morrison

    Australia’s first fuel cell bicycle

    Yes, there are many opportunities for alternative fuel storage and release... The next decade is going to be very exciting...
  12. Craig Morrison

    Australia’s first fuel cell bicycle

    Thought some of you would like this article from my local university...’s-first-fuel-cell-bicycle Technical specifications for the Hy-Cycle Range: 125km at 20km/hour. Maximum speed: 35km/hour. Battery: 518 Wh Lithium-ion battery...
  13. Craig Morrison

    My Son's Neo Carbon

    I'm also in love with my Carbon... 1,500+ km with no probs other than one rear flat (replaced the Kenda with a Marathon Plus). Brake pads are still good, though will replace in a few weeks as feel I must at some stage... I also find the gearing to be quite ok, although I'm rarely out of the...
  14. Craig Morrison

    My Son's Neo Carbon

    V lucky. I've test ridden both the Aussie Stealth models with road tyres... they're awesome! It's a bummer the police are not as understanding over here... maybe I should consider migrating! ;-)
  15. Craig Morrison

    Easy Motion USA Introduction

    Correct ;-)
  16. Craig Morrison

    Speed Hack - no more limited by 27MPH cutoff ??

    It's not the bike frame i'd worry about, it's how much damage they'd do to themselves if they had an 'off'. So hope they're wise enough to wear body protection at that speed on an e-bike...
  17. Craig Morrison

    2015 Evo Series Bikes @ Dealers / In-Stock When?

    Euro dealers are getting them now, ...and we should see them in Australia early Dec.
  18. Craig Morrison

    My Son's Neo Carbon

    Yes agree... I have all three: a nice Italian sports triple, the Neo Carbon (19kg Euro Spec), and a Giant Defy carbon endurance bike that weighs just over 8kg... You cant't hit ++40km/hour for too long on either bicycle... as either battery or human energy levels aren't sustainable ...and...
  19. Craig Morrison

    My Son's Neo Carbon

    The Stealth Bomber and Fighter are awesome to ride (4500, 3500w respectively), however they're very illegal on the road in Australia ;-(
  20. Craig Morrison

    BH UK

    Go for the Nitro if it is legal in your country and top speed is more important to you than trip distance between recharge ... ;)