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  1. Ofer Canfi

    Are Capacitors The Future Of E-bikes?

    I want to start with batteries, scratch that, let's start with laptops and smartphones; without them there will be no electric bikes as we know them! The advancements over the last decade in battery technology is intertwined with the need for smaller more potent power packs for our phones and...
  2. Ofer Canfi

    The future of electric bicycles is free from batteries!

    J.R., funny enough, I started my research with reading the entire Nikola Tesla lecture which he presented to the Royal Engineering Society in London 1890's (I will find the PDF and link it) on wireless power transfer and thought how is this not a reality?! unluckily I suppose the military does...
  3. Ofer Canfi

    The future of electric bicycles is free from batteries!

    :) thank for the support, I think it will be a while until this is a reality, we're still missing the graphene capacitors and a municipality that would invest in wireless power emitting roads. If anything, this could start off as a wireless charging point / parking, but that would take a while...
  4. Ofer Canfi

    The future of electric bicycles is free from batteries!

    Flux is a near future vision of a world with wireless electricity everywhere, available to anyone at any time. With Flux you can drive for a thousand miles without recharging, work on your laptop for days at a time without a power-cord or reach level 200 on CandyCrush Saga without plugging in...
  5. Ofer Canfi

    Local Police Cracks Down On E-Bikes, Is This The Solution?

    Leroy, I enjoy your prospect theory, I also believe that with today's communication tools and home grown media we can get a lot of people to answer a survey or just simply address an issue. So by whose requirements do you change the different needs? motorists, cyclists, public transport? I...
  6. Ofer Canfi

    Local Police Cracks Down On E-Bikes, Is This The Solution?

    Can we assume then that electric bikes sales will increase dramatically worldwide? (a short translation from the beginning of the video: E-bike sales person: "... when my business associate asked me to join, I asked him what are his sales projections: like a car? like a motorcycles? like a...
  7. Ofer Canfi

    Local Police Cracks Down On E-Bikes, Is This The Solution?

    Tel-Aviv Israel is becoming a major adopter of electric bicycles as a common means of transportation. With more than 20,000 electric bicycles roaming the small city on a daily basis, this has quickly escalated from nuisance to dangerous, bringing local E.R. physicians to protest against this...