Search results

  1. lilrich

    Can e-bike batteries be charged with solar panels?

    As I answer the folks at the Midwest Renewable Energy Association at their fair each year "electricity is not prejudice it does not care how you produce it". If I plug into the grid, the bike is solar, wind, gas, coal and nuclear powered. How you charge up your battery is not dependent on the...
  2. lilrich

    Bosch system startup issue

    We have five bosch certified techs and all the diagnostic tools and software. It is always a good idea to have your bosch system serviced occasionally. The firmware is being updated all the time. The diagnostic reports are very useful for seeing error logs, cycles and other useful information...
  3. lilrich

    steering head play??

    Loosen the stem clamp bolts then tighten the cap (do not loosen the interior bolt). The steerer should turn freely without binding but not flop or shift when braking. After tightening the cap retighten the clamp bolts to prevent lock the stem to the steer tube. The interior bolt should not be...
  4. lilrich


    Vicki, having experience with all three lines you are considering, you are comparing apples to oranges. While the Rad and Juiced are good bikes the Pedego is in a totally different level of quality. The fit, finish and quality of components on the Pedego are far and above the other two as well...
  5. lilrich

    Life span of an eBike

    As I have said in the past, you get what you pay for. Putting lipstick on a pig is still a pig. Having assembled, maintained, built, and repaired thousands of electric bikes from a wide range of manufactures I think I am qualified in offering an opinion. Usually I recommend against kits for a...