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  1. J

    Velec update 1 year in

    Thanks for including Velec in your reviews Cort. A year into my Velec R48M, I can say the bike has definitely met my expectation for a comfortable-mileage (my ass gives out before the battery does), responsive bike. (180 lb rider, usually level 1/2 assistance, live in Vail, CO - valley flat...
  2. J

    User experience update

    Thanks for including Velec in your reviews Cort. A year into my Velec R48M, I can say the bike has definitely met my expectation for a comfortable-mileage (my ass gives out before the battery does), responsive bike. (180 lb rider, usually level 1/2 assistance, live in Vail, CO - valley flat...
  3. J

    Bike Insurance Thoughts

    Guess I'll stick with USAA for another 50 years or so lol
  4. J


  5. J


    Right again Will. 75% of it is marketing!
  6. J

    Bike Insurance Thoughts

    Well, having heard some horror stories, I called USAA twice a couple of weeks apart, and got the same answer both times - yes, we cover them under your HO policy. I also asked specifically about the liability, and got the same answer. On the second call, the agent said "well, of course, it's...
  7. J


    Correct Scootrer - however, this particular one got me up two mountain passes in the Colorado Rockies without breaking as sweat and, unlike "many" of those bikes, it has a 2 yr. warranty on the essential components. Oh...and did I mention that the closest similarly-equipped bike I could find...
  8. J


    So, just took a couple of test rides on my new Velec R48M (48 V mid-motor, nuvinci w/ CVT, Gates belt). First one, Vail Valley floor to my house, elevation gain 874 ft in 2.1 miles. Had the neighbors convinced I was a superhero till they noticed the battery. Next, Vail to the top of Vail...
  9. J

    Bike Insurance Thoughts

    For the record, my USAA homeowners policy covers replacement less the deductible. They recommend keeping a receipt for purchase to verify the cost of the bike. In addition, the liability portion of the policy and the umbrella policy covers personal liability. Can't speak for other...
  10. J


    Thanks! Velec is based in Montreal, but I beleive the bikes are sourced in China, I used "made" inaccurately. oops. Older models (three) have the battery behind the seatpost, newer ones (five) embedded in the downtube. Seem to be nicely featured; I'm most interested in any user...
  11. J


    I'm new to ebikes, and looking at a Velec, made in Canada and sold in CA and the US. Anyone have experience with these?
  12. J

    Hi Cort - John here, Vail CO - I'm new to Ebikes, but having tried out a few, I think there's...

    Hi Cort - John here, Vail CO - I'm new to Ebikes, but having tried out a few, I think there's one in my future! I'm interested in a Velec , but, sadly, missing in your very informative reviews one of a bike of that brand. I'm sure you've heard it before, but your site it invalueable to ebike...