Search results

  1. Joe Good

    Making a Rad bike a class 1

    It's pretty simple really. Always ride with respect for others. Then trouble won't come looking for you ... or the rest of us hooligan e-bikers! ?
  2. Joe Good

    Known Issues & Problems with Rad Power Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Yesterday my Rover started giving me "error 30" messages again? I'm getting real tired of looking at that message! But this time it would lead to system shutdown in the middle of the ride. Just last week I replaced the wiring harness, display and controller. Has rolled without issue since...
  3. Joe Good

    Why no shocks on a Rad Wagon?

    When running like hell from a hurricane ... the only bad beer to grab ... is no beer to grab!
  4. Joe Good

    Three High Pitch Dings While Riding

    My Radrover made some clicking sounds after I changed my rear tire. I thought it might be the motor, bearing or chain? But after I tightened the spokes and it was resolved.
  5. Joe Good

    Radrovers are in and shipping.

    Glad your enjoying your new Rad e.fatty. It's my first venture with e.bikes as well. I just wish they offered a slower pedaling single speed option. I never shift, always leave mine in 7th gear. Would prefer a 10 tooth rear cog. so I don't have to pedal so fast. IMO, the slower the...
  6. Joe Good

    Mystery Bike Burnout

    --- SUCCESS --- I swapped out the controller, no luck. Swapped out the wiring harness ... BINGO! It must have been corrosion, because I found zero moisture in any plugins. At any rate, I cleaned & sprayed every connection, then sealed them with silicone. I doubt anything seeps in & destroys...
  7. Joe Good

    Mystery Bike Burnout

    I figured the warranty coverage was only hopeful-thinking anyway... I've already removed the old unit and re-sprayed the current plugin connections with CRC QD Electronic Cleaner. I'll install the new controller in the morning to see if that resolved the issue? If not, I'll install the new...
  8. Joe Good

    Mystery Bike Burnout

    Tx Al
  9. Joe Good

    Mystery Bike Burnout

    Harry, I tried disconnecting the throttle plugin. It was still wacky? But thanks y'all. You've all given me several good leads to work with! I'll let it dry more today and them rip into it tomorrow. But I'm pretty sure the controller is the culprit... Can't wait to get back in the saddle...
  10. Joe Good

    Port A - USA

    Port A - USA
  11. Joe Good

    Mystery Bike Burnout

    I hope your right Mike. I brought the bike indoors yesterday & unplugged all the connections so they dry out ... if in fact that's the issue? However they didn't look wet or corroded to me. Tomorrow, I'll reconnect them and see what happens? If needed, I'll replace the controller. If that...
  12. Joe Good

    Mystery Bike Burnout

    Yes Harry, grabbing the brake did stop it. Then when I release the brake, the tire spins again. I'm pretty sure it's the controller. I can't imagine wet connections would cause it. Seems like a faulty computer signal (controller) is the only thing that would cause a motor spin on its own? I...
  13. Joe Good

    Why no shocks on a Rad Wagon?

    Install a Thudbuster seat post ... and a Stafast air shock suspension stem?
  14. Joe Good

    Mystery Bike Burnout

    Not yet, they won't be open until Monday. I bought the bike second-hand from the original owner, so not sure if it still has a warranty?
  15. Joe Good

    Mystery Bike Burnout

    I own an 18' Rad Rover. I live along the gulf coast in Port Aransas, Texas (aka, the corrosion capital of the world). The weather here has been crap this winter with wet, dense fog almost everyday. Now I'm getting error 30 messages, then the screen goes blank. But the bike still works, both...
  16. Joe Good

    M2S All-Terrain R500 (step down)

    Does anyone have experience with the M2S all terrain, step down, R500 model? I weigh 175 and wonder how durable it is, and if 500 watts is enough power to enjoy! Tx.
  17. Joe Good

    M2S all terrain R500

    No, I didn't know? I'll surf over that-a-way.... Tx!
  18. Joe Good

    M2S all terrain R500

    Good info, tx. I think I'll give the M2S r500 a try. My gal thinks it's sleek & sexy. I reckon that's important? LOL I wonder if anyone else has bought, or ridden one? Personally, I'll stay with my RadRover. It works great here on our beaches!
  19. Joe Good

    M2S all terrain R500

    Interesting to learn about the Alibaba vs. M2S Chinese pipeline. I was considering the blue M2S r500 step-down model for my gal. It'll cost $1350 delivered. Do you think that would be wise choice or perhaps I can do better elsewhere? I always put service along side quality. I assume thru...
  20. Joe Good

    M2S all terrain R500

    Howdy y'all ... I'm from Port A, SoTex USA. I just discovered this forum and joined your group. Sure glad I did because I suspect I'll learn plenty about e.bikes here. I currently ride a 2018 Rad Rover on the beach and love it! I'm thinking about also buying a M2S all terrain R500...