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  1. cuwatra


    TY for the ride-report!
  2. cuwatra

    The elusive $1k quality E-bike... Coming this year?

    Thanks for that input. I know nothing about DJ and quite a lot about RAD since I am close to their HQ in Seattle. Speaking of do people like the DJ stuff?
  3. cuwatra

    Vado 5.0 - 45 months ownership - approximately 23,000+ miles

    Jeebus...thank you for posting that. Quality welding has NOTHING to do with smoothness. My son is a pro welder and the standard is defined as: No cracks or holes found in the bead. The bead should have uniform waves, width and height. The finished product will satisfy the design dimensions and...
  4. cuwatra

    The elusive $1k quality E-bike... Coming this year?

    Easy to find in the dictionary..."the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something." Probably compared to RAD Power Bikes; at least at this point in time. Value leader who still makes (and backs) products that stand the test of...
  5. cuwatra

    The elusive $1k quality E-bike... Coming this year?

    Getting close and probably a good deal at that price point but obviously still not below that $1000 deck. I know it will happen but might be a year or two out still.
  6. cuwatra

    When was the last time you rode an acoustic bike?

    Yesterday, as a matter of fact and plan to ride them again soon. I still enjoy my human-powered bikes (I refuse to use the term 'acoustic bike') a great deal.
  7. cuwatra

    The elusive $1k quality E-bike... Coming this year?

    Most of us here know that electric bicycle sales are positively booming. Many electric bicycle companies are reporting record-breaking e-bike sales in 2020. My question for the masses to ponder here however is with electric bicycles ranging from budget e-bikes priced at a few hundred dollars to...
  8. cuwatra

    Vado 5.0 - 45 months ownership - approximately 23,000+ miles

    Alas, you make my point perfectly...
  9. cuwatra

    New Rad Owner

    How can you hear anything over the fat tire noise? I just had a test ride on most of the RAD line last weekend and the Rover's tires were so LOUD! :oops:
  10. cuwatra

    Vado 5.0 - 45 months ownership - approximately 23,000+ miles

    There are riders and uses for all points on the bike continuum and not everyone needs a $5k Class 3 Speed-Pedelec from the big 3 to be happy.
  11. cuwatra


    Who's saying it's "the best commuter bike?" What about Specialized Turbo Vado/Como?
  12. cuwatra

    Honest feedback about DOST Bikes?

    Thank you, Court. As far as I'm concerned you're integrity and honesty continues to shine through the years and even as your 'brand' has grown exponentially. That is a tough high-road to stay on and I and many others appreciate you!
  13. cuwatra

    Belt drive class 3 bikes

    Is that new though? Here is a 2018 review of that bike. ??
  14. cuwatra

    Belt drive class 3 bikes

    The Evelo Aurora Ltd. has a throttle so Class 2. It looks like a very nice bike, especially with that fully automatic CVT Transmission. BTW...The website says that the maximum speed is 20 miles per hour but it can be Increased to 25 mph Maximum in Off-road Mode.
  15. cuwatra

    LaFree Ebike

    Hve you ridden anythig with a throttle? I was sold on the first ride. :D
  16. cuwatra

    Belt drive class 3 bikes

    The more I look at different configurations for ebikes the more I keep coming back to this feature set and list. Would be very iintersted in what you eventually go with and why, @jjoyce MORE feedback from anyone?
  17. cuwatra

    LaFree Ebike

    DOST doesn't have torque sensing though.
  18. cuwatra

    Radcity direct drive

    Court lists it as one of the best City Electric Bikes of 2020. 🤔
  19. cuwatra

    LaFree Ebike

    I know you are right about this, Craig. I want it all but just not finding it too readily available. I can wait but I'm just in a hurry to get something now that I've been bitten by the bug! Love the Yamaha motor on this and that puts it right up at the top. Just want that throttle too!
  20. cuwatra

    LaFree Ebike

    Thanks. I totally understand. Was asking more about a wish list item for owners though. I've found having a throttle is great when your riding location allows for its legal use and then they are easily disconnected when need-be to make the bike Class 1 legal.