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  1. Afren

    Nyon Display

    I'd appreciate it if someone could advise me as to whether it's possible to replace my Bosch Nyon with Kiox? Do I need a separate kit? I want to do this swap chiefly because I cannot charge my device from Nyon.
  2. Afren

    Gates Belt Broke

    I was hoping it wouldn’t break before 20k miles but managed to snap it in half climbing a steep hill having only done 18k. When it snapped, I was very fortunate not to come off the bike. However, it's so, so much better than the chains that I used to have on my other e-bikes. They normally...
  3. Afren

    Gates Belt Broke

  4. Afren

    Power Cable

    Managed to find the cause of the motor shutting down at random points. Thanks to all those who tried to assist and their helpful suggestions.
  5. Afren

    Power Cable

    Thank you.
  6. Afren

    Power Cable

    Thank you. My ebike ( has two Bosch powertube batteries. The link you've sent is a power cable for a single powerpack which is readily available even here in the UK. The problem is sourcing a power cable for a dual powertube...
  7. Afren

    Power Cable

    Thank you. I have bought a number of items from them in the past and they seem to stock many e-bike parts and are reasonably priced, however, with the U.K. now having left the E.U. the goods from the E.U. attract taxes and delays due to additional customs and checks.
  8. Afren

    Power Cable

    I have now sent Bosch an email explaining the problem. As far as Fullycharged in London is concerned, I'm sorry to say that in my experience of dealing with them since I bought the bike over three years ago is that the only department that answers the phone and tries to help is the sales...
  9. Afren

    Power Cable

    My almost 3-year-old 12000 miles R&M Supercharger 2019 GX model with Bosch Performance Gen 2 motor has recently developed a habit of shutting down at random points in a ride, usually with the display showing a flashing empty power tube, but no error message. It refused to power up again unless I...
  10. Afren

    Bosch Kiox Ebike Display Settings

    Hi Court. Thank you for posting this very useful piece about Kiox. You say that there is a coin cell lithium-ion battery inside that may eventually expire and need replacement. Well, I believe that's exactly what's happened to my Kiox. You then say that it's possible to replace this coin cell...
  11. Afren

    Belt Tension

    Thanks for your helpful advice.
  12. Afren

    Belt Tension

    I am replacing the rear tire of my Riese & Muller Supercharger Rohloff (2019 model). It’s my understanding that once I have fitted the new tire, I must ensure that belt tension is correct. Would anyone on this forum be able to advise me as to the correct belt tension as recommended by Reese &...
  13. Afren

    How well did you do in January?

    Both Nov and Dec I hardly cycled not because of the cold weather but because I was away and no access to any bikes. January I only managed eight rides due to the awful weather we've been having here in Europe.
  14. Afren

    October cycling photos

    Photo of the English Channel on a cold but sunny day and photo of a flooded field in the south of England.
  15. Afren

    How active were you in October?

    For me, it was the worst month in over 36 months of e-Bike ownership. Here are the excuses in no particular order; absolutely dreadful but typical British weather in October, suffering from flu or something just as dreadful (not sure whether flu or not as couldn't get appointment to see GP...
  16. Afren

    How Active were you in September?

    24 days is what matters most. Very well done.
  17. Afren

    How Active were you in September?

    Impressive. I am jealous. Well done.
  18. Afren

    How Active were you in September?

    A rather lazy month for me due to a variety of reasons, namely, travelling. I'm afraid October has started badly too due to an annoying cold and constant rain. :(
  19. Afren

    Everything is out to kill us

    As cyclists, we face many dangers when out for a ride chief amongst which are other road users. Now, we can add birds to the list of cyclist killers:- An Australian man has died in a bicycle crash while trying to escape from a swooping magpie. The 76-year-old cyclist suffered head injuries on...
  20. Afren

    Your age group

    Greater no of riders between the ages of 80-90 than 40-50!