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  1. Amenhotep

    Car replacement

    Nice!! Instead of getting a car i decided to get a Sondors original Ebike. i was looking at the super73.. But something about it was not catching my attention. I think it was the fact it wasn't as big as the Sondors original. The sondors is worth the money, i can get really far on that thing and...
  2. Amenhotep

    Tire issues?

    How can i get my hands on a new complete Sondors original front tire,rim,hub,rotor,tube,axle? I went on the site and seen nothing.. HELP...ALL I WANNA DO IS RIDE AND GET TO WORK....
  3. Amenhotep

    Had my Sondors Original for 8 hours, let my little brother ride it... and he crashes headfirst...

    Had my Sondors Original for 8 hours, let my little brother ride it... and he crashes headfirst through a windshield. No helmet. He was hospitalized and almost didn't make it because of blood loss. He is okay though. I will be investing in a dirt bike helmet! BUT my front fork is super bent and...