Search results

  1. Wolf krannich

    Golden motor battery performance question

    Thank you Ann. Yes, I do not always let the battery cool off completely before charging. I always bring the battery in the house to charge it, especially now that temperatures are getting closer to freezing here in Canada. I tried charging it several times today and the best charge it will take...
  2. Wolf krannich

    Golden motor battery performance question

    Sorry about the typos! Its not a heartless hub (bloody auto correct feature). It is a gear less hub motor. W
  3. Wolf krannich

    Golden motor battery performance question

    hello folks I bought a Golden Motor kit 6 months ago. Magic Pie 4 heartless hub motor with 48v 10 ah battery. Overall I am satisfied with the kit. Usually I was able to do 20 plus km with almost no pedalling on one charge. Since last week no more . I am now only able to reach 16 to 18 km. The...
  4. Wolf krannich

    How to measure Battery Power left . .

    Hello again. So I bought a cheap version of the Watt's-Up meter. Installed it, and so far, so good. Thank you again for the tip and the link. I hope the gizmo doesn't fry itself soon, other than that, this is great. It gives me the voltage ongoing, and the Ah used per ON cycle. So I can get a...
  5. Wolf krannich

    How to measure Battery Power left . .

    actually I stand corrected: Following the link gets me to the 20$ item - when I go on and type in watt's up as you suggested I get the 60$ item. Thank you again! W.
  6. Wolf krannich

    How to measure Battery Power left . .

    This sounds great. I checked out the link and the gizmo is around 25$ ?? I will browse around some more and I think get one of these - way cheaper than a Cycle Analyst, which at this point, is total overkill for me. thank you again!! Have a fine day! Wolf
  7. Wolf krannich

    How to measure Battery Power left . .

    Thank you for the input. I will keep counting kilometers and note when I get stuck. This seems to be a variable number. I noticed that when it's cold out the battery seems to have less power and the orange and red light come on quicker... Live and learn.. Have a fine day Wolfgang
  8. Wolf krannich

    How to measure Battery Power left . .

    Hello Folks Quick question: I have a Golden Motor kit 48 volt - 10 AH on my bike. It comes with a simple battery indicator: Green - Yellow - Red = dead Thats all the indication I get and then the battery is DEAD. I tried counting kilometers to determine range, but that seems to be variable...
  9. Wolf krannich

    My first ebike . . .

    Yes, it's very heavy. I guess it's like canoes, you want super light, you pay the extra $$$ At one of my jobs I have to lug it up and down stairs, which involves taking off the panniers and removing the battery. As a test vehicle it works for me, for now. I just can't get myself to accept...
  10. Wolf krannich

    My first ebike . . .

    Hello Folks. Maybe this will help somebody new to the ebike search.. If it does not belong here, please don't flame me, but let me know. As Court can attest, this ebike quest was a two year struggle for me - trying to balance cost and living in Quebec, where riding after November is an...
  11. Wolf krannich

    Any folks here from the Ottawa/Gatineau area in Canada?

    Thank you for the reply. I appreciate the input.. So far this has been a good experience. All inspired by the idea not to have two cars and to get some more fresh air. It's working so far. The jury is still out on how this will work from November to April. Ride safely. Wolfgang
  12. Wolf krannich

    Any folks here from the Ottawa/Gatineau area in Canada?

    Thank you for this.. I am just paranoid after the info that fellow gave me. So I am being careful. And I fully agree that the 32 kmh limit is kind of silly. Not on a crowded bikepath, there it has it's place for sure (except that it does not seem to apply to the adrenaline pumped 'pro' bikers...
  13. Wolf krannich

    Any folks here from the Ottawa/Gatineau area in Canada?

    Hah! Sounds good to me - no biking here for me after September/October...
  14. Wolf krannich

    Any folks here from the Ottawa/Gatineau area in Canada?

    Hello Folks.. I live in the Ottawa /Gatineau region in Canada. I am curious if there are any other folks from this area in this forum? What interests me are any experiences with local law enforcement regarding your ebikes in this region? I have been told by a fellow I met that he has been...
  15. Wolf krannich

    Magic Pie, Golden Motor Kit

    This whole Golden Motor conversation has been very helpful. I have been all over the map with my ebike research. From a Pedego Cruiser test ride to Lengthy and great conversations with the Evelo folks. In the end my favourite idea is to buy a Golden Motor Magic Pie 4 with a 48 v battery. And...
  16. Wolf krannich

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  17. Wolf krannich

    Do any of you folks have any further comments about Golden Motors Canada?

    Do any of you folks have any further comments about Golden Motors Canada?
  18. Wolf krannich

    Thank you both. I am back to the drawing board, will post separately about further exploits. I...

    Thank you both. I am back to the drawing board, will post separately about further exploits. I am thinking of a Golden Motor Magic Pie 4 with a 48v LIfepo battery ...