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  1. P

    Got my 1st "cheater" shout today

    I've been riding an ebike in self-righteous Seattle for 16 years, and have gotten many a verbal rotten tomato thrown my way. As I get older, I can't make out what people say as well, and that helps. But also, on my 13 mile commute I now regularly encounter a handful of other ebikers. Think of...
  2. P

    How far can we push it?

    What does your thesis advisor think about this? Seriously, impressive. I'm jealous. Envious. Inspired.
  3. P

    Seat Post sliding down

    Is it possible you have the wrong diameter thud buster? It comes in many sizes. If it is too small you can get a shim to step up to the right size.
  4. P

    Stromer ST2 Pulsing (Please vote)

    I don't mean to mock your experience, so please take with the good will in which it was intended. Is it possible your legs were overtired? I've had the experience that when I bike more than usual or I've been doing other strenuous activity it seems so much harder to get the bike to move. It...
  5. P

    st2 clicking

    I had the same problem and found the same solution.
  6. P

    Energy Use/Totals Display

    Can anyone help me understand the TOTALS display in the BIKE menu? WH TOTAL divided by MILES TOTAL should equal WH/MI TOTAL, right? The WH TOTAL shown in my display seems ridiculous. It would amount to over $300 in electricity. See attached photo of the display.
  7. P

    BMC and Stromer...

    The English translation is ambiguous. What does "Next to..." Mean in the first sentence? Can anyone help parse the meaning?
  8. P

    Mounting Car Horn on ST2

    Wow! I must have one. And I might get a second to use in my bike ;).
  9. P


    How exciting! It would be great if it could display turn-by-turn directions from a navigation app.
  10. P


    The bike does have Bluetooth, but as far as I know there is no device that can pair with the bike. Seems to be onboard for future use.
  11. P

    BMC and Stromer...

    As a middle-aged cyclist on my third ebike in 15 years, I see great potential among tech-savvy professionals who want to feel like super heroes during their daily commute. The battery range of my ST2 opens possibilities for cycling I had never imagined. I'm a fearful rider, and don't take...
  12. P

    Racktime bags

    Is this compatible with continues use of Ortleib panniers or does it obscure the top rack tubes?
  13. P

    ST2 Handle bar adjustmets

    I'm 5'10" so with the 17" comfort I would have to have the seat post extended all the way out. And the geometry of the reach isn't any different. I am open to advice.
  14. P

    ST2 Handle bar adjustmets

    It is a sunlight alloy mtb supplied by LBS. Women tend to have longer legs/shorter torsos than men. Bike makers shouldn't ignore proportions of half the population. :(
  15. P

    ST2 Handle bar adjustmets

    I've added a 3" riser. I wish I could do 5", but the cables won't stretch quite far enough. I could only find shiny black - any one know where to get flat back 3" riser bar?
  16. P

    Thanks for posting the importance of carrying these items. Having my phone saved me yesterday...

    Thanks for posting the importance of carrying these items. Having my phone saved me yesterday when the bike entered theft mode!