Search results

  1. GW Shark

    Racktime bags

    This provides more clearance when the "Racktime" badge is in the rear and that is also for a clip on of another light should you so choose, which would be redundant with our ST2's. Thanks for your guidance on the bag and I think it is a definite winner. I will post picture with that mounting...
  2. GW Shark

    Racktime bags

    Maybe a silly question but could your bag be mounted in reverse? Could you secure it by changing it 180 degrees. I ask because the web pictures from manufacturer show it 180 degrees different than this picture and I thought this may help with the clearance previously noted. It is great to have...
  3. GW Shark

    Post pics of your Stromer here

    I like how the St1 rider is just sitting back, with the power to overtake all in front of her. Truly enjoying the scenery and her day! Beautiful
  4. GW Shark

    Stromer ST1 vs. ST2

    The ST2 torque band if you will feels very similar to a Specialized Turbo S which I test drove as does the riding geometry. You feel like you could take on more obstacles with ST2 and drive thru things, where as the Specialized feels faster probably due to tire size and width. IMO these are the...
  5. GW Shark

    Stromer ST1 vs. ST2

    I had an St1 Platinum and at 6'1", 230 pounds with primarily 80% flats and 20% hills got 36 MPC (That is miles per cycle charge). There are far to many variables than to do better than gross ranges I feel for what you can get. Height/Weight=Drag, Hills=Drag, Shifting Patterns= Possible drag...
  6. GW Shark

    Work on Turbo bottom bracket

    I have not, as I am not an owner. From a general knowledge perspective for all, I am aware that some Specialized dealers are licensed to sell the eBikes in the brand and some are not. The point of differentiation is the purchasing a given quantity in addition to web based training centric to the...
  7. GW Shark

    Racktime bags

    A couple of quick questions? Does it clip in quickly for fast removal and can the backpack straps be removed if that is not your thing? Thanks Rick and you have a very nice bike!
  8. GW Shark

    BMC and Stromer...

    I think each product has a market place contingent upon the buyer's perceived value and economics. Why does BMW 7 series sell versus 3 series? You can get a Stromer ST1 non Platinum or ST2 and pricing wise on multiples the one cost about double of the other when looking at MSRP, just like the...
  9. GW Shark

    Cleaning a Matte Black Frame

    After further research, I heard that soap and water is the best for black, keeping in mind how applied, due to the electronics. Wax and silicones of any kind should be avoided on Matte surfaces according to Specialized dealer, which is my non ebike. For cleaning my ebike I use an atomizer to...
  10. GW Shark

    BMC and Stromer...

    Agree that it takes a great amount of projecting from this small sample but the point is there is a demand and if this small forum does typify mainstream then someone else will make a run at it and give it life. A hope, a prayer, who knows. I still would like to see market share, that is the...
  11. GW Shark

    BMC and Stromer...

    When you look out at the forum, no other manufacturer other than Specialized compares relative to the number of posts, threads etc than Stromer, relative to the number of bike offerings on the market. With all that concern for a brand it is highly improbable that it can just "go away". The owner...
  12. GW Shark

    How much taller can one get?

    Your probably right. The concern in my instance was leverage in a downhill mountain bike application on the stem. I have a great LBS for mountain bikes and they given me options, pros/cons and let me decide.
  13. GW Shark

    How much taller can one get?

    Most LBS will be able to put in new lines to increase the length. As you know the lines have to be bled, replaced and refilled with Magura Royal Blood. Assuming you are talking front and back hydraulic line replacement, This will take time. A guesstimate would be $120 to $150 total assuming an...
  14. GW Shark

    How much taller can one get?

    You like I have probably had to adjust what your bike choices were due to frame size. At 6'1" it needs to be a 19 or 20" minimum and not all manufacturers can foot that bill. I tried a Polaris Aapex bike and loved it conceptually and the shifting, but felt too cramped and like a monkey on a...
  15. GW Shark

    How much taller can one get?

    His concern was the type of riding condition and going down a hill with a higher center of gravity and pressure at a new point on the stem and hitting something. There is usually the conservative view( Safety), the engineered view (What the numbers say for maximum efficiency) and the realistic...
  16. GW Shark

    How much taller can one get?

    I had talked to a fitter regarding the headset and geometry and changing this on another bike other than a Stromer. It was my FSR Epic Comp 29er Specialized and he shared with me that yes you can add stem extensions and other pieces to change your seating and geometry but you must be careful as...
  17. GW Shark

    BMC and Stromer...

    This community is best served with the strength of sharing opinions and respecting that of others. If someone has a bias, it is no surprise that they probably own the bike, right!? The strength in the product is its utility for the end user, and none of us are exact here regarding expectations...
  18. GW Shark

    Elite: Anyone seeing two or more bars of assist over 20 mph?

    That is a platinum which costs $700 more.
  19. GW Shark

    Stromer ST2 Firmware Update

    Spencer.justin is very sharp! An asset to this community. Thank you for your clarity!
  20. GW Shark

    Interceptor VS. City Commuter?

    Demographically you can look at their ads and see the target audience on their videos. They have a very comfortable bike for flat terrain, just like you would think of for a cruiser. I have talked with the company on the phone and came very close to buying one due to their customer loyalty and...