Search results

  1. Southern Saratoga Guy

    Non Juiced brand battery purchase

    Thanks for the info. I'll have to keep an eye out for legitimate sellers.
  2. Southern Saratoga Guy

    With Scorpions Almost Ready... What Will Tora Work On Next?

    I have also ordered a Scorpion (regular not Hyper) and that cargo area with a suitable bag looks interesting. Currently doing some food runs using a backpack but a nice cargo bag (maybe insulated) would be ideal. I think that judging what will happen based on the shape of an ebike is...
  3. Southern Saratoga Guy

    Non Juiced brand battery purchase

    Would this replacement (Reention Dorado 440mm mentioned above) work on the regular Scorpion (52v, 13 ah I think) as well?
  4. Southern Saratoga Guy

    New York State ebike legislation

    @Saratoga Dave Are there bike trails or light off-road roads (dirt, packed gravel) that you'd recommend in the area? I was doing the Zim Smith Trail last year, but I wanted to expand my journeys whilst staying mostly within the new laws.