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  1. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    Still no bike delivery from FedEx. Lectric should find a carrier that actually delivers when they promise. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, now Friday afternoon. Yikes, it just came as I was writing this. Finally. Really though FedNever stinks.
  2. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    If you're saying how bad FedEx is, then I agree. I cringe every time I see that a package is coming via FedEx. They're always late, usually very late. FedEx claims weather exceptions when there's no weather problem. FedEx often leaves packages sit at our local delivery hub for days for no...
  3. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    As discussed before, FedEx is and always has been the delivery company from he11. Scheduled for delivery on the 8th, then changed to the 9th, then the 10th. For some reason they sent the bike to Illinois were it spent 3 days in 3 different Chicago suburbs. Now it's sitting in Prescott, WI...
  4. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    Here's a heads up: after a mile or two my neighbor's bike shows a 010 error. The bike still works but the display shows crazy numbers (I hit 61 mph :), ha ha) . All connections checked and are tight. Lectric says they're seeing this on a lot of the new bikes and they're sending a replacement...
  5. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    That's a new twist. I think you hit the jackpot! :)
  6. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    My neighbor's v1 white ST came with the 9.6ah Samsung battery. I was wondering if all the recent v1 bikes have all been coming with the 9.6ah battery with Samsung cells. Apparently not. Someone with both said he gets the same range. The Samsung 18650 cells should be of higher quality...
  7. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    Here's a question: is everyone now getting the 9.6ah battery with Samsung cells or are some still getting the 10.4ah battery with LG cells?
  8. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    He graciously offered to let me use it on my trip up north but I really would prefer not to have to do that as it deprives him of his bike during that time. As far as trading, he wanted a white ST. I don't care either way as I kept telling Lectric. He would trade but I don't feel right doing that.
  9. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    Except that I always specifically asked and they kept telling me it was in their AZ warehouse. It obviously wasn't. It's now over 2 months past when it was originally estimated and a month past when it was later promised. Main reason I'm anxious is that I have to go up north next week and...
  10. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    My neighbor's bike went directly from Phoenix and also went though FedEx's system FAR faster:
  11. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    On another and more positive note, my neighbor received his ST and I assembled it Thursday and took it out for a ride without the battery. Works pretty well but wouldn't want to have to climb many hills. The factory assembly was very good, much better than other various bikes I've seen. Made...
  12. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    Interesting shipment story. Every time I spoke to Lectric they confirmed that my bike was in their warehouse waiting to ship. Now, from the FedEx information it seems that they weren't being honest. It shipped from LA. 3 days later it's in AZ. I understand they have delays sometimes but I...
  13. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    Happy for those of you that actually received your bikes. My neighbor (who ordered after I did) received his bike yesterday and I'm headed over to assemble it for him, as I worked my way through college as a bicycle mechanic (owned a bike shop at one time). Just called Lectric and my bike is...
  14. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    At least we should be able to follow the shipping progress after they're actually scanned into the FedEx system and physically on their truck. My neighbor's has reached that information pinnacle but mine is still impeded by the gravity well of the bottomless warehouse... ;-)
  15. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    My neighbor's white ST was actually picked up today By FedEx and is supposed to be delivered on June 2nd. I received my shipping notice for my black ST today and the notice has an estimated delivery date of June 3rd. Hopefully...
  16. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    They have claimed that they're shipping 400+ bikes per day. That said, my issue is that they keep shifting narratives.
  17. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    Found out more information. My neighbor called Lectric about an hour ago and they told him that his white ST was shipping tomorrow (he called them a couple weeks ago and switched from a black ST to a white ST). So I called (just got off the phone with them) and was told that they're NOW...
  18. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    Nice! What kind did you order? Mine's a black step through.
  19. CanoBeyond

    Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

    Dielectric grease works good on electrical connections that are exposed to moisture. Tail lights, etc.