Recent content by MoveslikeJagger

  1. MoveslikeJagger

    Sheng milo 1000W Fat ebike

    I've had mine 6 months, don't listen to the nay sayers, it's a beast of a bike..can go 30 miles, no trouble...go on youtube plenty of info...imop the best bikes come from china...any problems any bike shop will fix all...changed out the seat...cloud9 .
  2. MoveslikeJagger

    Sheng milo 1000W Fat ebike

    If that’s the case, you don’t belong asking those kind of questions on this forum, most of us like plain vanilla. We don’t need to know the properties of a styrofoam cup before we drink from it. FYI, don’t consider a Tesla..Elon won’t give you the codes to the touchscreen. I’m going to say bye...
  3. MoveslikeJagger

    Sheng milo 1000W Fat ebike

    Your looking at a FAT bike..duh need I say more
  4. MoveslikeJagger

    Sheng milo 1000W Fat ebike

    This isn’t the bike for need a step through Rad Rover...your asking to many tech. questions, your dealing with a Chinese co.if you want al those questions answered buy a USA made bike...I’ve had this bike for 6 months no problem..if I did I’d take it to a Ebike shop and take care of...
  5. MoveslikeJagger

    Sheng milo 1000W Fat ebike

    Yea, great bike, not sure where you buy, bought mine on Amazon, big and bold.
  6. MoveslikeJagger

    Sheng milo 1000W Fat ebike

    I don’t think you can change the motor ratio, might have to ask a bike shop...didn’t get a manual.
  7. MoveslikeJagger

    Sheng milo 1000W Fat ebike

    Very easily, left hand controls up or down...battery still at full capacity.
  8. MoveslikeJagger

    Sheng milo 1000W Fat ebike

    What's there to understand, watch the youtube video, it's a bike not a Porsche, I have one what would you like to know?
  9. MoveslikeJagger

    Looking for first e-bikes. Two of them.

    M02S for you and step thru for wife...1000W 17ah....45 miles without peddle assist...that’s along time to sit on a bike seat.
  10. MoveslikeJagger

    Recommendations for ebike

    Had it a month, 75 miles...I’m into cruising..little peddling...strong motor...go on YouTube and look up Sheng milo..can’t find anything I don’t like about it..did change seat out..more comfortable.