I've had mine 6 months, don't listen to the nay sayers, it's a beast of a bike..can go 30 miles, no trouble...go on youtube plenty of info...imop the best bikes come from china...any problems any bike shop will fix all...changed out the seat...cloud9 .
If that’s the case, you don’t belong asking those kind of questions on this forum, most of us like plain vanilla. We don’t need to know the properties of a styrofoam cup before we drink from it. FYI, don’t consider a Tesla..Elon won’t give you the codes to the touchscreen. I’m going to say bye...
This isn’t the bike for you...you need a step through Rad Rover...your asking to many tech. questions, your dealing with a Chinese co.if you want al those questions answered buy a USA made bike...I’ve had this bike for 6 months no problem..if I did I’d take it to a Ebike shop and take care of...
Had it a month, 75 miles...I’m into cruising..little peddling...strong motor...go on YouTube and look up Sheng milo..can’t find anything I don’t like about it..did change seat out..more comfortable.