I'm going to electrify my Trike with a kit from Electric Bike Technologies. My questions are has anyone does this? Secondly, I'm 72, and enjoy the cruising ride this trike provides. Are there members in my age group say, 55-80 who own an Eco-Delta and feel the same way? or not...
I appreciate...
Sounds like you need a visit to your local bike shop and go slower than 16 mph until you do. I'm satisfied with 10 to 12 mph. I have osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine. Secondly, the shimmy could be due to a bearing being out of round.
I miss my Tadpole Trike. I sold it so I could buy a Delta trike thinking it would it would be easier to mount and maneuver. But after a few weeks of riding it's not what I thought it would be. I'm actually quite timid about it. It seems I've lost control of steering a single wheel and fear I'm...
Just from the pictures and specs it appears to be typical of most cruisers. The price point is a bit low. Do some Research with Utah trikes, but stay away from Electric Bike Technologies. Their quality is A1 but their prices are a bit higher than most so I'm told. I'm just down the road from you...
Just wanted to let you know I may be closing a deal on a Sun EZ-3SX 21 speed from a Gentleman in Sun City West for $925.00. Wish me luck. I've traded e-mails with your Dad. We hope to get together soon. However, he is quite busy caring for your Grandfather which is understandable. Thanx for the...
welcome to the chat site. lots of good info here. Jump in any time. Glad to have you. switching gears myself. For the time being, I'm going to buy a non-powered adult trike and save my dollars for an e-bike kit. I need the exercise and can't wait for the "motive power" My sights are set on a 7...
Thanx for your positive comment Tom. BTW, I like your Icon, I'm just curious how does the fish shift gears? LOL Seriously though, when you say, "But there are better choices." Can you point me in that direction?
still window shopping for an E-trike, disabled with osteoarthrosis of the lumbar spine. Also 6'5" so I can't ride the smaller trikes. Any suggestions would help.
I'm still browsing all the files about e-biking/triking. I had almost settled on a Liberty Trike made by Electric Bike Technologies when it was pointed out to me by Jason Kraft the owner/founder, (I'm 6'5") " At your height the LT was absolutely not your best option." Now this is a person and a...