It was a nightmare bike, yes. But still I made more than 10k miles with it, and in a shitty weather like the Swedish one, I guess there's still no "nordic-certified" e-bike yet. You need a tank to stand the bad weather here, but still. It's very lame that the bike has always failed on the same...
I agree with the previous reply. Buying a new battery for your Turbo bike is throwing money to the trash. I don't know from your region, but here in Europe the battery with the highest capacity could still be found in some bike store for no less than 1000 dollars (and you're still buying an old...
October 2020 and the bike and battery still working fine. The rear wheel was replaced for the 4th time in January this year (still in warranty) but apart from that, it's still alive!
Glad that you're back. I broke a meniscus on my left knee a year ago doing some stupid manouver off road to dodge a bump in the asphalt. I remember specially the moment the doctor laughed when I asked him If I was able to cycle 'next week' after the surgery. I was able to cycle after 3 weeks...
I own a Turbo 2015 and I've both batteries surpassing 300 cycles (charging them always fully when they were no less than 30%) and they've lost may be 5-10% of it's original capacity. Specialized batteries are usually made of a very good quality cells, so they won't degrade so easily. If you have...
Check if the motor connector pins and/or cable are not loose or dirty. You can also try with isoprophilic alcohol or some solution to clean electronic parts. Either that or buy a new or get a 2nd hand battery somewhere. You can try in this webpage, it's like a local german Ebay but sometimes...
I read rather about battery cells that inverts its own polarity (when you don't charge your battery and leave it in low voltage for long periods of time) and spreading that behaviour to the whole pack, ruining the whole battery, but never about one single cell having an overvoltage (which it may...
That's just the theory. In practise I have 2 Turbo 2014-2016 batteries and have been charged more than 250 cycles and their health is between 98%-100%. Where I really notice their performance lowering is when I ride in low temperatures (below zero) where their capacity decreases around 30% in...
A few months back I bought a "backup" 2nd battery SBC-B02 with 504Wh that does not fit in the list at the beginning of this post. The battery was second hand, had 200 cycles and it was in 100% health, I paid around 300 dollars for it. Works without issues.
Update: changing batteries do not make any difference (neither diagnosing the bike. The diagnose tool throws different error codes in the motor but I find no reference for them on the internet). When I do notice a difference is when the backwheel is clean, I get the M-ERR less often (my...
It's unbelievable that Specialized makes bikes of several thousands of dollars and still make wheels with spokes that break like if the bike was 200 dollars. I've even had bikes that cheap that never broke spokes like that. Don't tell me about the weight thing. They have engineers and they...
Hi, thanks for this link. I had no idea of this. But suming up there might be 2 solutions: 1. try with another battery (luckily I have a 2nd one, which I haven't tried yet) 2. Recalibrate the motor (which in that case I'll need to send it to the dealer). If it's related to the battery may be a...
Hi guys,
I had my bike on the garage since last december, which I stopped cycling due to the weather here in Sweden it gets nasty with all the snow, salt and gravel that there's on the road. That literally destroys all mechanical parts of the bike specially if you don't clean it after use...
Ready for the harsh winter. These new 2.0 Schwalbe Marathon Winter tyres (622-50) makes a whole lot of difference compared to my previous 622-42 which I tried before (very unstable for this heavy bike). Now I can climb a glacier. The only down-side was that I had to remove the mudguards, they...
Thanks. Changing it to miles it does the trick. With the diagnosis tool I was able to reset it to 0. Actually the counter was 10.165 km when I connected the bike to the software, but the display was unable to display it. So the only way to fix this is by using your dealer and reset it for you.