Recent content by Antia

  1. A

    Best, easiest,cheapest way to get rid of regen on a Radcity 4

    I am going to disagree with others here. I have an original radwagon (same direct drive motor as the rad city) and a rad rover (geared motor). I found the drag from the direct drive motor bothersome. I just did not like the way it altered the feeling of the bike when coasting to a stop. Now...
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    Help me upgrade my radwagon

    Here are some images of the bike with the new kit. - I forgot to mention that I had to take off my front rack. It would not fit on the axle of the new wheel with motor. I will be getting a frame mounted rack, which is more stable under load anyway. - Regarding the extra battery. I had this...
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    Help me upgrade my radwagon

    Yes! I bought the Banfang geared motor linked by WilliamT. It took me a couple of tries to install the front motor and adjust the brakes but it has solved my "getting up the hills with 120 pounds of kid live cargo" problem. A few notes: - I combined the motor with a very small Bafang SW102...
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    Best strategy for v. steep hill

    That sounds exactly like my hill and my experience with the radwagon. I think Bolton kit might be your best option. Regarding your questions: 1. Not sure why the throttle would become harder to control. You just have more power at your disposal, so perhaps that is what you mean? 2. Downsides...
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    Best strategy for v. steep hill

    I have had a similar problem when I first got my radwagon. I have extensively modified it and have also installed a Bolton kit on another bike, so perhaps I can add a few things to check and possible options. First of all, it seems odd that you can't get up the 10% hill with the direct drive...
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    RadWagon 4....

    I like virtually everything in the new radwagon, EXCEPT the weird wheel size. One of the great thing about Rad bikes has been the standard parts they use that can be worked on by any bike shop (or enthusiastic owner). Replacements were easy to find and affordable for everything from the...
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    Help me upgrade my radwagon

    So, I ended up going with a geared Bafang motor for the front wheel with a SW102 display. Most of the kit just arrived today from China, but it is missing the display, so I still don't have all the pieces I need. I will update the thread once I make progress on the upgrade. It might take a...
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    Help me upgrade my radwagon

    Thanks for the suggestions WilliamT! I'll look into the Dillinger kit, that looks like a good options. One of the things I have not investigated is whether I can run the front hub in a "headless" configuration. I really don't need to know any information about speed and such, I just want it to...
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    Help me upgrade my radwagon

    Thanks for your comments indianajo, some interesting suggestions there. I should say that I am not looking to change bikes though. I am pretty happy overall with my radwagon, I just want to improve what I have as I enjoy tweaking things to make them better suited to my uses. One thing that is...
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    Help me upgrade my radwagon

    OK, so I need a project while in lockdown. I have a 2016 Radwagon that I have upgraded in several ways over the years, but it can definitively be better. I would appreciate suggestions for upgrades, refinements, radical changes, rocket engine upgrades, whatever. OK, here are the boundary...
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    all wheel drive Radwagon

    Love it! Why did you choose that particular front motor? Did you consider other options? What was your selection criteria? I am very curious as I am considering a similar upgrade to my 2016 radwagon.
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    Front rack for 2016 Radwagon

    Just thought I would share that I just for an Origin8 front rack for my 2016 Radwagon and it seems like a great fit. It is pretty decently priced too and was not too hard to install. My kids have finally outgrown the need to the Caboose and I was looking for a nice way to carry their backpacks...
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    Any RadWagon owners hauling two kids?

    The radwagon is pretty large for a bus rack, and more importantly it is very heavy to lift. Also, with the caboose, you might not be able to fit it at all, so I would not consider the bus rack to be a real alternative. The caboose should work well with kiddos that age (mine are 5 and 6) but you...
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    Mid drive added to the rad wagon

    I installed a bbshd on a radwagon about a year ago and have been running without issues. No problems with the chain or any other part of the drive train. I did take out the wheel with the hub motor and substituted for a conventional wheel.