Recent content by Aerofeisst

  1. Aerofeisst

    Volton Alation 500 Owner Review

    I've been watching the charger like a hawk, as soon as it hits green I'm taking it out on the town, beautiful weather today. Thanks Brambor, and thank you Joe for the amazing bike! I'll be riding it all spring break!
  2. Aerofeisst

    Volton Alation 500 Owner Review

    Just received my Volton in the mail today, great customer service handling my mistake on ordering wrong color, the bike arrived in great condition and was a breeze to assemble as most of it was already put together and packed neatly. I just finished putting it together maybe an hour ago and...
  3. Aerofeisst

    5'8" 110 pounds $2k~

    I sent them a few emails, one with my transaction ID so they can verify what order so hopefully I'll get a response soon. Couldn't get through the phone lines so I was gonna wait a bit and try again. I have a 720p camera, not what I was hoping to make a review video on but it'll work for a...
  4. Aerofeisst

    5'8" 110 pounds $2k~

    I settled on a Volton Alation 500, it really stood out to me when I first looked at bikes but I wasn't certain. I've always had a preference for products that had great specs that isn't too hard on the wallet. My last major purchase was an Asus Laptop, very sleek and cool with high performance...
  5. Aerofeisst

    5'8" 110 pounds $2k~

    Hello EBR Forums! I'm looking for a good ebike that can handle dirt trails and can clear at least a 7% grade. A range of 20+ miles is preferable, and torque sensing pedal assist is more of my thing but throttle control doesn't bother me either. As for the frame I don't care at all, nor about...