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  • Was really interested in 48 v Mac12t front motor last fall. Now have 4 bafang 500 w 36 v used geared hub motors & 2 40 v 20 ah LiFePo4 batteries. Thanks anyway. word "cutler mac" sure makes bing perform better with results. "Mac12t bicycle motor" mostly found me ads for apple macintosh parts plus the one allibaba ad for pallets of Macs FOB Shanghai. Wasn't sure that ad was even the same company.
    Hey man, I like your icon and just wanted to say thanks for being a part of this community. Looks like you're pretty engaged and I've enjoyed reading some of your posts. I'm not on here as much as I'd like, but it's uplifting to check in occasionally and see the conversations unfolding ;)
    Thanks Court. There's core of good folks and I enjoy helping where I can!
    Hey! I'm suffering from an unfounded attack. Doug and I think it's our buddy Eric Hicks or his minions. I know yore busy but would you consider nuking the thread? Title, Sockpuppet.
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