I could smell my Vado motor about to fail


In the last several weeks I started to notice a faint but distinct rubber smell coming off my 2020 Vado 5.0 at the end of my 16 mile commutes. Sure enough last week a few miles into my ride I was greeted by loss of power and the distinctive whir of a blown motor. This is the second time for my Vado, the first happened at 1800 miles and was replaced under warranty. The second motor went almost 4100 miles but is unlikely covered by any warranty so I'm now waiting for word from the bike shop on what the replacement will cost. I'm somewhat broken hearted about this. I sincerely love just about everything about this bike but if I have to spend thousands of dollars replacing the motor every few thousand miles it's going to make me wonder if it's worth keeping a bike that costs more to operate than my car. Is there a consensus expectation for the number of miles one can expect to get out of these motors?
You may be aware of our Is Vado Smoking Addictve? thread. Sounds like the answer's yes in your case.

"You get what you pay for" is an oft-repeated phrase around here. Maybe on average, but 2 dead Specialized motors at just 1800 and 4100 miles looks like a pretty strong counter-example to me.

Good luck with the fix. Hope it doesn't cost you a fortune.
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Sorry, I don't follow. The "drug" in this case being expensive Specialized ebikes?
No Jeremy. Those two or three guys have never owned a Specialized e-bike. One of them who is a DIY builder takes a traditional nice looking vintage bike (with no modern safety features), slaps a powerful motor, controller and a stealth battery on them and claims his e-bikes will easily "smoke" any Specialized e-bike. I shudder to think of the "e-bike" owner being killed or injured on one of those "e-bikes". Can you imagine a gravel e-bike with a throttle? Because I cannot.

Those people use the term "smoking a Vado" as a synonym of smoking a marijuana joint. Hopefully not meth.
No Jeremy. Those two or three guys have never owned a Specialized e-bike. One of them who is a DIY builder takes a traditional nice looking vintage bike (with no modern safety features), slaps a powerful motor, controller and a stealth battery on them and claims his e-bikes will easily "smoke" any Specialized e-bike. I shudder to think of the "e-bike" owner being killed or injured on one of those "e-bikes". Can you imagine a gravel e-bike with a throttle? Because I cannot.

Those people use the term "smoking a Vado" as a synonym of smoking a marijuana joint. Hopefully not meth.
I'm familiar with the thread and its innuendos. In point of fact, the OP's Vado got "smoked" twice.
and claims his e-bikes will easily "smoke" any Specialized e-bike
This is the bike in question in progress. The arguably greatest Bike Mechanic ever, Steven Gravy, adores all my bikes, including this one. It is the best. He knows his stuff. People who ride my bikes locally have given only 5-Star reviews, 52 on Google Maps. Yes, these bikes 'smoke' that is, out ride, out run, and out last the offerings of Specialized. My bikes offer grater overall benefits and values than 'off the rack' proprietary bikes. In North America folks want a throttle, that is not my thing, theirs. A throttle is an optional reassurance/safety feature for some older riders, just in case, if someone wants to get away from a monster truck or mountain lion. This bike has a 90Nm, is super smooth, quiet, open source, w/ cargo motor, with the Right to Repair. How many have a Gravel/Adventure bike, with 90Nm, is lightweight, with a torque sensor, cadence sensor, and with a just-in-case emergency throttle, and all through frame? Whippy proprietary 250W bikes are unsafe. They can't cross an intersection faster than a monster truck. With my stuff bikes can. I have corresponded with Gravy three times today. Don't take my word or some guy in Eastern Europe who does not know. Investigate the facts from those who know.



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Isn't it that a new motor gets yet another 2-year warranty?
My Vado motor lasted for 8,700 miles. 3 years sharp.

Not funny Jeremy to quote jealous drug addicts.

11,000mi on my 750w Throttle equipped Bafang BBS02B in 3 years and it's showing absolutely no sign of slowing.
Just today I was climbing steep horse trails that would make your 1 mule power Vado s*it itself.


It's Vado Smokiń time 🚬
I'm familiar with the thread and its innuendos. In point of fact, the OP's Vado got "smoked" twice.
To provide some history

The 'smoking vado thread' was created as sort of a counter-culture way of poking fun at a specific poster who sh*ts on anything not euro based or specialized.

The fact that it irritates him endlessly (as can seen from his response here) is icing on the cake
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Whippy proprietary bikes suck Big time. They suck and are sucky. Then catch on fire. Parts and service costs 3x3x3 more to repair and service with planed obsolescence built in. 'Sorry it's now a Windows '95 bike.' And they can't win the race. Sucky shite. Video game features are like a rolling Pelaton suckers for those deluded by flashing wiz bangs, not performance. Those mass bikes get lapped by the real deal. Some guy with an off the rack suit does not compare to a guy with a handmade Italian real deal suit.

11,000mi on my 750w Throttle equipped Bafang BBS02B in 3 years and it's showing absolutely no sign of slowing.
Just today I was climbing steep horse trails that would make your 1 mule power Vado s*it itself.

It's Vado Smokiń time 🚬
and yet we have 11600 miles in over 2 years on our tandem and have climbed 22% grade hills and almost every time we ride we do 18% grades. thats a 400# weight on that bike.
Proof that all your buying is a guaranteed piece of s*it.... so for your daughters sake....

They suck and are sucky. Then catch on fire.
You have never built a bike. You are taking a bike that was never meant to be an e-bike. You maim those gorgeous vintage e-bikes. You let your customers ride at high speed and effortlessly on very dangerous contraptions and do not care about the safety. Fortunately, no-one was killed or injured riding your conversions yet. Still, thinking a electrified traditional bike could ride at speed of order of 30+ mph and remain safe might only come to a mind strongly skewed by the use of tetrahydrocannabinol.

Battery fires? Have you ever heard of a battery fire of a premium e-bike? No, it is the DIY contraptions that catch the fire.

Moreover, you have never owned a Specialized e-bike.
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