Motorcycle tires on the stock XP rims?

Know of anyone who is using motorcycle tires on the XP?
If looking for slick or semi-slick street tire ideas, there are a few options. We are running 20x4.0 retro whitewall VeeTire Speedsters on our Lectric. Kenda makes a 20x4.25" slick tire called Kraze, that looks more like a performance street motorcycle tire..about $40 each. Schwin/Sunlite Cruiser 20x4.25XL is another. If you plan on regularly going faster than 20mph, look for ebike rated tires good to 50mph.
The Speedsters look like the best available option but I've been trying to find the Innova 20x4 street tire but can't find them anywhere. I never go off road so I'm looking for a street type of tread rather than dirt bike style tread.
The Speedsters look like the best available option but I've been trying to find the Innova 20x4 street tire but can't find them anywhere. I never go off road so I'm looking for a street type of tread rather than dirt bike style tread.
On sale at Carson City Bike shop. Looks like shipping is only $15. these can also be had on Amazon. They are 0.5" wider but I've seen positive reviews and posts for these when used on the Lectric XP.
On sale at Carson City Bike shop. Looks like shipping is only $15. these can also be had on Amazon. They are 0.5" wider but I've seen positive reviews and posts for these when used on the Lectric XP.

This company always pops up in the results when I'm searching for parts. But their pricing is always so low that it feels like a scam. For example, the 20x4 Vee Speedsters are only $31 on the site and everywhere else they are more than double...I see the Speedsters for $75 in most places. And when I google the address on their website, this pops up on Zillow.

Not sure if that's recent or what but the prices seem too good to be true....although I'm tempted to try them out.