Winter storage


New Member
I’m new owner of a Sinch. When I store tge bike for the winter, what do I need to do? Especially as far as battery is concerned.
You should also avoid storing the battery in a high state of charge for more than a few days. 50% battery charge is a good goal for storage.
This is a timely question for me. In past winters I have stored my batteries in a closet inside the house. We keep our house in the 70-72 F degree range. I have a heated garage that I keep in the 52-58 F degree range. I have I nice steel cabinet in the garage that I could store them in and in many ways it would be preferable to the crowded closet where I have put them in past years. I read somewhere that the ideal storage temperature for lithium ion batteries is 58 F.

Looking for advice ... is the cooler temp in the garage acceptable or should I keep them inside the house at the warmer temp?
As I understand it storage at temps above 40°F is recommended. Your heated garage sounds perfect!
You read about fires being caused by these types of batteries what precautions should be takin for storage and normal use. My bike would be in a unseated garage that can get to 100 degrees in the summer
A heated garage is fine, you might want to consider placing the batteries in a metal ammo case for extra safety
You read about fires being caused by these types of batteries what precautions should be takin for storage and normal use. My bike would be in a unseated garage that can get to 100 degrees in the summer
An undamaged battery, not being charged, stored at 50%, has a low chance of fire. Can't say impossible.