Who's got the motor unlock codes ?!?!? :-)

Can unlock to go 41kmh.(tested) Have not tried changing the current from 15 to higher number to see if it does anything. I wanted to try and change the thumb throttle to be active all the time but unable to. Some of the settings in the PDF are not shown on the actual display on the bike.
Please advise if the 500W motor actually makes it to 41Kph in anyone's tests.....curious. Although I have to wait to Spring myself to try it out :-(
Please advise if the 500W motor actually makes it to 41Kph in anyone's tests.....curious. Although I have to wait to Spring myself to try it out :-(
At least in the freezing weather, 32 km/hr was about the top speed of the bike by throttle or by PAS 9. The difference unleashed, is that the motor doesn't cut out when I pedal the bike faster than 32. You still get a little help...whereas when set to 32, pedalling the bike to go faster is difficult, not worth the effort.
I'm going to follow the instructions next test though. :)
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At least in the freezing weather, 32 km/hr was about the top speed of the bike by throttle or by PAS 9. The difference unleashed, is that the motor doesn't cut out when I pedal the bike faster than 32. You still get a little help...whereas when set to 32, pedalling the bike to go faster is difficult, not worth the effort.
I'm going to follow the instructions next test though. :)

I've had the same experience. Still tops out at 32kph by throttle but the motor now doesn't fight me when I pedal faster which is nice.
I'm not sure what variables are in play but with the max set to 41kph, my Mini throttled up to 37.8kph on flat road.

There wasn't a particularly strong wind, but it was only 3 Celsius out. I generally don't NEED the speed most of the time, but I like the bump in speed in certain traffic conditions.

I'm pretty confident in the speed accuracy, as I've previously changed my wheel diameter from the default which was way off (20" fat tire should be set to 22" diameter to make up for the added size), which is less than 1% different than real world travel.

Before changing that, essentially the bike was thinking it was travelling further/faster than it really was.
My 26" tire City bike was set to 24"(actual wheel diameter), which I find is correct according to my display speed vs street radar speed (they're turning up all over the place now). I am going to check mileage by google vs display to see how that works out.