What does Mahle SmartAssist do?

Mr Chips

New Member
Mahle SmartAssist--does it read your effort and change assist levels for you or does it micro-adjust within the level you are riding in and changing levels is still up to the rider?
It will ask you Jeopardy style questions as you ride and if you get them wrong it will decrease assistance by 5% for each incorrect answer
I heard that the "smart" was short for smart-ass. When it senses that you're using too much battery, it hurls AI-generated insults aimed at pissing you off and shaming you into doing more of the work.

Sample jabs:
o Yo mama rode that twice as fast with no assist all.
o Ha, you call that a hill?
o Did we leave our legs at home today?
o Is that your idea of pedaling?
o You don't need assist. You need an ambulance.
o Really, you're asking for help on a 1% grade?
o They put pedals on this bike for a reason. Can you guess what it is?

My apologies to the OP.
mahle doesn’t go into too much detail about how it really works, but it is a completely separate mode, and can theoretically vary assist from maximum to nothing depending on how hard you’re pedaling, the road conditions, speed, and previous behavior on the same or similar routes. i turned it on once and watched the motor power as I rode, it used a lot more assist than I normally would, but it did seem fairly “smart,” knowing that if I’m going 18 mph on flat ground without working too hard there’s no reason to burn up a bunch of juice to go 20 and bang up against the cut-off. or conversely that if I’m going up a very steep hill and going painfully slow, no matter how hard I pedal I want full power…