Voltbike Trio for sale - Sold

You know by going into the settings on the display you could change or decrease the power output and maybe tame it down a bit for her.

I own a Yukon 750. It has the same display and controller. I can walk you through how to do it. Or you can find instructions in the manual that should have came with the bike or at the website below.

By setting the current to 10 amps or even lower you can effectively half the output power to the motor. Making the bike feel far more tame. Might be just what she needs to feel more safe and in control. Front hub motor bikes take a bit to get used to. The front tire pulling can be a bit scary for some people. If u gun the throttle on gravel or loose ground the tire will lose traction and spin. Making beginner riders feel totally out of control. Lowering the front tire pressure to 10-15psi will help increase traction. At any point if she feels unsafe BRAKES, BRAKES, BRAKES. Pulling either brake lever will Instantly disengage the motor even if the throttle is still wide open.
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