VADO or COMO (TCD-W Display Retrofit Kit) (S199900067)


Well-Known Member
If anyone is looking, I have one that is up in the classifieds
I am married to a psychologist. She has attempted to calm me.
Possibly anyone here on this Specialized forum can shed some light to try to calm me even more.
I sold this item last month on e-Bay. On June 2nd, then I get a 'request for refund' and the reason being "This item does not fit Specialized Vado Turbo. It was advertised incorrectly".
Can anyone advise me if the item number specific to the part as well as the linked video showed another type of Vado?
The part # and items clearly are and on it is for one retrofit, no other, right?
Easy peasy, to me it seems like either buyers remorse or he stole the part he needed because maybe he needed it, etc.
All non-accusatory, but nonetheless, eBay lets the buyer say what they want and the seller gets screwed.
In any even, if I get it back and it's all there, anyone who wants it or needs it can have it for free, you pay the shipping.
AND, if someone does want it and uses it, PLEASE let me know what "Specialized Turbo Vado" you have, as it is very frustrating that scammers are alive and well, even on eBay, still.
Perhaps you did not specify the Model Year to which the kit was applying? Did you specify it was not for MY2017 Vado 5.0 or MY2018-2019 Vado 6.0?
The models as above require the retrofit TCD-w(L1e-B) kit, not yours.
Perhaps you did not specify the Model Year to which the kit was applying? Did you specify it was not for MY2017 Vado 5.0 or MY2018-2019 Vado 6.0?
The models as above require the retrofit TCD-w(L1e-B) kit, not yours.
Appreciate that insight. However, if you owned a Vado/Como, and you knew of the part # being offered, watched the video, referenced the information snd knew what you needed to do (or validated with the LBS as to the specific requirements), would you not have made sure of the use prior to making a purchase? Does the referenced item I had for sale have alternate use/applications? Excuse my ignorance, as if I research the part, and the use of it (what it is for), I find no others that show a different bike, year, or replacement use. Are you saying that there were many different kits available for many different Vado/Como's of different years and they had the same part #?
Thanks for your input.
Appreciate that insight. However, if you owned a Vado/Como, and you knew of the part # being offered, watched the video, referenced the information snd knew what you needed to do (or validated with the LBS as to the specific requirements), would you not have made sure of the use prior to making a purchase? Does the referenced item I had for sale have alternate use/applications? Excuse my ignorance, as if I research the part, and the use of it (what it is for), I find no others that show a different bike, year, or replacement use.
Most of people are definitely no experts. When I needed a replacement for my BLOKS in 2019, I naively asked the salesman if I could just buy a $100 TCD (wireless) to replace the BLOKS... Later I was asking the salesman why the LBS could not just install the Retrofit Kit you mentioned. No, they could not.
Are you saying that there were many different kits available for many different Vado/Como's of different years and they had the same part #?
Not the same part number. Your buyer simply had no clue (and I am not surprised).

There have been two distinctive Retrofit Kits for Vado/Como:
  • Yours, intended for almost all 2018-2019 Vados or Comos
  • The L1e-B Retrofit Kit, specifically for MY2017 Vado 5.0 or the 2018-2019 Vado 6.0.
Once any "regular" Vado/Como could be a 25 km/h e-bike in Europe/Australia, a 32 km/h e-bike in Canada, or a Class 3 e-bike in the United States, the two e-bikes I mentioned as the second item of the list have been a different breed: a Euro 45 km/h L1e-B S-Pedelec type approved as a moped. As such, these mopeds have been equipped not only with the 1.2s motor but also numerous expensive safety features such as the deadly expensive Supernova M99 Pro headlight. Most importantly, the TCD-w(L1e-B) display is different to the TCD-w (it has the speedometer on any of its five screens). The TCD-w(L1e-B) system is totally different to the TCD-w.

Your quote for the Retrofit Kit was $70. The TCD-w(L1e-B) kit is currently quoted at $2,500 (absurd but it is how the things are). Many users including myself got that expensive kit free under the warranty or even post-warranty but Specialized seems to have stopped acting as Santa Claus now...

I think your buyer needed the Retrofit Kit for his 2018 Vado 6.0.
If anyone is looking, I have one that is up in the classifieds
Hi there,

I am trying to replace the battery of my TCD-W but OMG its seems like impossible. There are two versions of this display. Some you just twist of and underneath is a little cap. But not this one. Underneath is a metal spring attached with a tiny screw. Once removed it looks like this (see picture) But what do to next?? Anyone? Please.


  • display.jpg
    85.7 KB · Views: 213
Hi there,

I am trying to replace the battery of my TCD-W but OMG its seems like impossible. There are two versions of this display. Some you just twist of and underneath is a little cap. But not this one. Underneath is a metal spring attached with a tiny screw. Once removed it looks like this (see picture) But what do to next?? Anyone? Please.
Just pull the cover up from a side. Do not try to turn it.
I'm affraid there is nothing to pull up there.
Is it possible that a dead display battery can cause the bike to stall?
^ Hi Marco, it looks like you still have the mounting bracket attached to the display, it should just twist off now and allow you access to the cover Stefan mentions: see if this thread helps
Thank you @Bavi! The promised pictures:


Remove the display from its holder by a quarter-turn.


Use a sharp object to pull the cover up where indicated (a tab clearly marked 'Open').


Extract the battery by inserting the sharp object where indicated.

You need a CR1220 battery, and a new one will last for at least a year, depending on how often the e-bike is ridden. I cannot say for any Vado Gen 1 model but the lack of an operating display locks my Vado 6.0 motor out.
Hopefully a new CR1220 will do the trick.
It has to! Only check whether one side of the battery (the inner one) is not protected by a sticker. The sticker (if any) contains a bitter substance so young kids would not swallow it :) I write this as I overlooked the sticker on one of button batteries and then wondered why a device didn't work :D
Unfortunately no succes :-(. (not due to protective sticker) messured the new battery and it is fine. Can it be that the display has to be paired again with the motorcontroller?
Can it be that the display has to be paired again with the motorcontroller?
No! As soon as you have inserted the battery and closed the cover then started the system, the display should come up alive...
I was in a situation in which I had to replace a damaged display with a new one (including the cables, and the handlebar remote). Just after connecting the new unit, the system went alive. If there was any new pairing necessary, it could only affect the Mission Control but not anything else. The display works autonomously and is not paired with the controller or motor.

Isn't it the time you should visit an authorized Specialized dealer?
Marco, make sure the contacts inside the unit are clean and battery is connecting with them properly... BTW, was there any life at all on the display with the old battery (if there was, try putting it back in and see if any life returns) and if you can check the voltage on the old one too just for comparisons sake 👍
No! As soon as you have inserted the battery and closed the cover then started the system, the display should come up alive...
I was in a situation in which I had to replace a damaged display with a new one (including the cables, and the handlebar remote). Just after connecting the new unit, the system went alive. If there was any new pairing necessary, it could only affect the Mission Control but not anything else. The display works autonomously and is not paired with the controller or motor.

Isn't it the time you should visit an authorized Specialized dealer?
Yeah, I contacted Specialized ridercare and they refer me to the dealer... thnx everybody for your support!
Brought my Vado to the dealer this morning. After one hour they called me to tell that the main battery is shot. It cannot be repaired. A new one will cost me 1160 euro's. The bike is only five years old. Economically depreciated in five years! I don't know what to do yet. :mad::mad: