Using Velotooler


Active Member
I ordered an E-Bike from Ride 1 Up yesterday and they sent an email confirming the order and recommended going to a bike mechanic or using a company called Velotooler to check the mechanical set-up before riding to validate the one year warranty. Has anyone had experience with this company?
I have never heard of Velotooler. The mobile service I have heard of is Velofix. That is not an endorsement; they were simply the first to become national (through franchising).

Most bikes are 80-90% assembled. You install the front wheel, the pedals, the seat and post into the frame, and the handlebars. Then it is "ready." Some companies factory assemblies are better than others. Regardless, whoever you choose may elect to install those few item and take your money, while others will take an hour or more and actually confirm that things were assembled and adjusted properly. The only way to know is to watch over their shoulder, so to speak.

I personally have assembled thousands of bikes. Most all bikes need to have the bearings adjusted (sealed bearing excepted); they are almost universally too tight, which causes excessive drag and wear. Wheel spokes need to be stress relieved. Cables are often fitted dry and need to be lubricated. The cables are never pre-stressed either, so that should be done as well. Sometimes the factory puts on too long or short a cable, and that needs to be corrected. Every fastener should be checked; especially crank bolts and the ones holding the saddle or adjustable stem.

Ever see a bike with a reflector pointing towards the sky or ground, or no reflector at all? It is because the person who put it together never bothered to do it right. Ever had a water bottle or rack bolt stuck in a frame? Blame that on the assembler; those bolts should have been removed and coated with grease or anti-seize before it was delivered. That is the level of detail that separates a good build from a mediocre one.
I as well contacted velotooler as was recommended by ride 1 up. It is a very odd business model, as you can not talk to anyone prior to paying for a service. I thought if ride 1 up was recommending them, it must be legitimate. So I paid my $99 in advance for assembly and tried to contact the mechanic and was told he would call me. Of course this is all by email. That was 3 to 4 weeks ago and no contact. I emailed back to velotooler and they said they would contact the mechanic. That was two weeks ago and no contact. I have emailed and called velotooler multiple times since with no response. I contacted ride 1 up and they could not get ahold of velotooler either. I have requested a refund of my payment multiple times and have received silence, crickets. Their website says you can cancel anytime prior to 8 hours before your service for a full refund. I am 2 to 3 weeks ahead of my appointment so clearly within their stated policies. Again no response. I would avoid this company as they have the most abysmal customer service. I am hoping not to have to do a charge back on my credit card to get a refund.
As I stated earlier, I had a good experience with Velotooler. I had originally booked the $49 service and changed it to the $99 complete assembly. I did receive a refund. When I booked the service, I was able to choose which mechanic I wanted. I did reach out to the person and he contacted me.I was in good communication with him, not Velotooler .
If you have received your bike, thats a problem. If you did not get your bike yet, get in touch with Ride1Up and explain what is happening
unfortunately as described above, I have done all those things mentioned above including contacting ride 1 up. I am still waiting a reply from both companies. so far radio silence from velotooler and ride 1 up is trying to contact them.
Did you receive your bike yet? When I used Velotooler, there was a list of about three or four mechanics in my area that I could use. If that is the case with you, I would try contacting another mechanic.
no, my bike is supposed to arrive at the end of August. I was trying to be proactive and set this up ahead of time. Apparently there is no other mechanic in Orange County, CA associated with velotooler which I find odd as this is a huge biking community. However the lack of communication from velotooler is astounding. I can not remember a company that I have dealt with that has such abysmal customer service.
Sorry you had such a bad experience. I think velotooler acts as sort of a broker for various bike mechanics. In my area there are many to choose from. Unfortunatly you have only one. I also think it odd that they charged your card before even scheduling an appointment. Perhaps the bike mechanic is busy and did not respond because your bike has not yet arrived. I would write velotooler an e mail cancelling service and asking for refund cc the bike mechanic unless you have already done that. If still no answer, I would contact your credit card company and tell them you are disputing this charge. I would try finding another mobil mechanic service. I used velofix and had no problems. They have their own staff and arranged to check over and adjust our two new bikes the day after I contacted them. There are several mobile bike mechanics businesses in my area and some local bike shops are also offering mobile service and/ or pick up and delivery. My two bikes were in great condition. No damage. My engineer husband who used to work in a bike shop as a young man supervised the final assembly and checking. We checked every bolt and screw. They were not hard to finally assemble.