Uscooter Booster/Eco vs ZoomAir 2 (Both E-twow?)


New Member
Hi all!
Long time lurker but didnt know there was a forum. With the announcement of the Uscooter Eco on Indiegogo, they are selling it at a very low (relatively) price. As I understand, Uscooter is a renaming of E-twow and E-twow makes the ZoomAir 2. Uscooter Booster, Eco, and ZoomAir 2 all look identical to me and they are very similar in specs. I would like to know if these are rebrands of each other.

When the "hoverboards" where all the rage, I was surprised to find out many of them come from the same factory and are rebrands of some variations and sold at vastly different prices. I think its interesting to know such details because I'm new to the electric game and I still think electric bikes/scooters is very expensive.
