UK eBike Laws


New Member
I wondered how UK e-bike laws differed from the rest of the world?

UK law :
  • Riders must be 14 or older.
  • On the road, e-bikes are classified as pedal bicycles and can be used in public spaces and cycle lanes.
  • You can’t a speeding ticket but you can be booked for dangerous or careless behavior.
  • Motors capped to 250w
  • Max. speed capped at 15.5mph
  • You don't need a licence, insurance or road tax
  • You're not required to wear a helmet
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

Also the UK is extremely strict on mobile phone use while driving, but their is no law against using your mobile on a n e-bike. But you can get booked for dangerous cycling.

Do these laws differ in the rest of Europe, America or elsewhere?