Trip odometer reset

Urban Coyote

Is there a way to manually reset the trip meter on the Radrover? Does it reset every time you turn the LCD off? I couldn’t find anything about it on the Rad website. I did see a previous discussion about this, but found it confusing. Thank you.
Unless they've changed recently, the easiest way to reset the trip meter is to just reset the power.

Personally, I found this pretty frustrating. I base my battery's range on my trip meter readings. If I stop for a break and shut my bike down, or it shuts down by itself, I loose how many miles I've traveled to that point. This makes keeping track of the miles traveled on a day trip nearly impossible....
The two options I've used was using a smartphone app or adding another odometer. The 2-3 smartphone apps I used can pull too much phone battery power and data when it is always updating your position. I even connected my iPhone to the usb port on the LCD and the app would still pulled a lot of power just to maintain a steady power level. In the end, it was too much trouble to use the app and connect to usb port in extreme weather (below freezing, +100 degree days, dusty trail rides, rain).

The second way was attach a wired or wireless odometer to the ebike. My 16 Radrover odo stopped updating trip data (total miles, trip data, current mph); but, it still displayed PAS level, wattage levels, back lights, and set-up screen functions. I added a wired odo to the front tire with a back light that is USB rechargeable. Lots of inexpensive choices out there that have a lot of features.
I don't have an answer to the original post but definitely find the auto-reset whenever I stop for short period to be frustrating and illogical. My "trip" may be for several hours with several stops and I'd like to track total kms but the auto reset messes that up. I wish there was a software update for this computer, it's needs it. I think the trip should only be manually reset by the rider.
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