Townie 7D Owner, Sacramento CA


New Member
Hi everyone,

Great to join this forum. I'm a proud owner of the Townie 7D, my first e-bike, but certainly won't be my last (I'm looking at you Gazelle.)

I'm so loving the e-bike riding experience. I take a 7-10 mile ride nearly every evening, and it often feels like I'm driving my car. I do love how I can ride against the wind and not get tired out. After I got a good mirror for the left handle bar, it made the riding experience ten times safer.

I look forward to hanging out in this forum and learning from you all about your e-bike experiences.

Also, if you're 7 or 8D owner, please follow me so we can keep in touch.

By the way, I a short video that I shot today at the bike shop about how to clean a bike chain. I'm not sure I can embed it in this message, but I'll set up a link to it if anyone wants to see it.
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Welcome Bakari, you’re right, it’s a great riding experience to not have to struggle against the wind. The more you ride, the more you want to ride. Good luck.
Hi everyone,

Great to join this forum. I'm a proud owner of the Townie 7D, my first e-bike, but certainly won't be my last (I'm looking at you Gazelle.)

I'm so loving the e-bike riding experience. I take a 7-10 mile ride nearly every evening, and it often feels like I'm driving my car. I do love how I can ride against the wind and not get tired out. After I got a good mirror for the left handle bar, it made the riding experience ten times safer.

I look forward to hanging out in this forum and learning from you all about your e-bike experiences. Also, if you're 7 or 8D owner, please follow me so we can keep in touch.

By the way, I a short video that I shot today at the bike shop about how to clean a bike chain. I'm not sure I can embed it in this message, but I'll set up a link to it if anyone wants to see it.

Welcome to EBR and please post your video link.
Why is that? They are quite solid and I really like mine, but why do you and others seem to regard them as very suitable for kits? Is it the approachability of the geometry that allows more people to enjoy biking?
Well, totally solid! I especially look for the oldest Trek Pure and early Electra Townie frames. Easy to install a wheel kit or a mid-drive kit. A long wheel base makes a rear rack battery a comfortable solution. The riding position is upright, straight back, and a rider is nearly facing to face with cage drivers.

Being able to "flat foot", sitting upright fully seated and feet flat on the ground. Perfect for old bones! Oh and don't forget that relaxed hand position. NOT riding with pressure on wrists and hands!

  • Improved level of comfort and control
  • Upright seating
  • Relaxed arm position
  • Wider view of the road
  • Allows riders to place their feet on the ground while still sitting in the saddle