Hendrix Rocks
New Member
- Region
Hello all. I have accidentally erased all of my total miles ridden on my Raleigh Tamland-e (that uses a Brose controller). I still have total miles ridden recorded on my Garmin watch and Garmin activity tracker. Having said that, seeing my total miles ridden continue to accumulate and display on my bike controller was a wonderful part that I enjoyed. Recently due to hitting the wrong button on my controller, over 4,400 miles disappeared into thin air. Rats. If anyone knows of a way to reclaim, reset, or enter in miles on the controller, I would appreciate it. I wouldn't feel bad using a work around or "cheat in" for entering more miles on the odometer, as I know without question that those miles WERE honestly accumulated. Thanks, and I sure hope that you can avoid clumsy fingers like mine that made ALL the miles ridden vanish in an instant!