Stolen Bike Recovery

That sounds very unwise. It would seem that the company would be liable for injuries to its employees if they are confronted and injured or killed as well as civilly and potentially criminally liable if their employees injure someone else, even if they claim to be defending themselves. Given the general lawlessness and lack of enforcement, especially in places like SF, and especially for property crimes, simply locating a stolen bike then contacting police isn't likely to provide results either.
Sort of like LoJack or OnStar without the personal touch. I know in Suffolk County NY many of the police cars have a LoJack receiver which goes off when a stolen car is activated. If the car is in a private area like a garage and the property owner refuses to grant entry, LoJack works with the district attorney and gets a search warrant. Not sure if a stolen ebike would warrant that level of law enforcement, but there are a number of GPS trackers available for bikes with the caveat you have to do the recovery yourself., although you can always ask the local PD for assistance. My homeowner's Personal Affects Floater insurance cost me $18 a year and will replace my $1700 ebike with a check for that amount.

In NYC, bike thieves have cajones the size of grapefruits. A few years ago I was stopped on the sidewalk by Penn Station with my Trek regular bike when a dude that was standing next to me began riffling through my panniers. I gave him a good shove and he went to the ground screaming "Police! Police! I been assaulted!" Cops came and chased him away.
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