Steel (Metal) Vs Carbon Vs Bamboo Frames

I used to work with a young man in Austin who was a mechanical engineer and had built his own bamboo bicycle (wasn't electric). The weight, vibration dampening and durability properties of the material are wonderful and I love that it's sustainable! As long as the growers aren't cutting down rainforest to grow it... like they often do for Soy Beans in Borneo :(
Bamboo is a type of grass. My father had it growing in his back yard. I was always surprised how light and strong the stuff is. Used bamboo swords to fight with my four brothers. Bamboo made a vibrating howling sound when you swung hard enough!
I think it would make a fun project. My bamboo bike. Ain't I green. I'll have to look at those sites again.
Hey Chandlee! That's a wonderful video, thanks for sharing. I'd read about cardboard bicycles and this movement to produce an affordable $20 bike to be used in parts of Africa and other impoverished nations.

cardboard-bicycle.jpg bicycle-made-of-cardboard.jpg

This kind of thing can provide affordable transport to people who have to walk long distances to get food and water. They are biodegradable, light weight and amazingly durable!
Nice looking bike. Reminds me of when the U.S. Navy was considering making an aircraft carrier out of ice.
Wow... I never heard about that calvin. What was the idea there? Some kind of radar invisibility?