ST Elite Waranty Question


New Member
My motor failed but it was still under warranty. Stromer sent me to a dealer to diagnose-verify that it was an warranty issue. The dealer filed the warranty papers and told me Stromer was sending me a brand new motor. I picked up the bike and brought it home after the work was done. I just noticed my bike is an 8 speed now and not a 9 speed-the cassette is only 8 gears. This leads me to believe the dealer used a motor off an original Stromer. Is this the way Stromer has dealers fix warranted parts? Can anyone give me the name and number of a rep I can talk to. I can never reach anyone at head quarters. Any help would be appreciated.
It's possible they put the wrong freewheel on. That part is independent of the motor. They should be able to swap the old freewheel onto your new motor. Dealers wouldn't get into fixing parts generally speaking and Stromer is usually good about warranty stuff. I think it's just the freewheel.
and be sure that that when they install the correct freewheel that they check that it is working properly. We've had a bunch of bad Sunrace freewheels.