Spreadsheet tracking ebike incentives across N America


Well-Known Member
Arlington, Virginia

Very nice looking, thanks for sharing. Personally I didn’t get an incentive to purchase here in az and still felt my roi was very good since I don’t use a car. Under 2k out the door and have already put 1200 miles in 6 months and feel the purchase has already paid itself off. Cars are just simply very expensive to own and operate. Data also seems to show most trips are single occupant of a pretty short distance say under 5 miles. For example, ran to target for pickup the other day and almost drove our one car. Last minute decided to take ebike and was super easy ride and if I got bored of pedaling just hit the the throttle. Turned out they were replacing parking lot so cars were parked way out and got to take my bike right by the door! The roi gets even better if you take the savings and invest in a simple low cost index fund over 30 years.