Specialized Como Battery Replacement Options?


New Member
I bought a Como 5.0 back in July 2019. I've ridden it maybe 2,000 miles or so in the last 3.5 years.

In the last year or so, I've started to notice that the range is decreasing. I can still charge the bike up to 100%, but that full charge only gets me 25-30 miles now where it used to go farther on the same charge.

My girlfriend bought a Como 4.0 on the same day as I bought mine, but she hasn't ridden hers nearly as frequently. Her bike is still capable of 40+ miles on a ride at this point. Mine is not. We did a ride yesterday and had to cut it short at 24 miles because my bike was running out of juice and hers was not.

This is making me think I need a replacement battery for my Como. Is that correct? If so, what are my options? Will Specialized replace it under warranty because the range is fading? I saw on their site that replacements from them are now $1700 and they are out of stock. Are there other batteries available that would work from other companies that are less expensive? Just trying to figure out what my options are at this point.
I bought a Como 5.0 back in July 2019. I've ridden it maybe 2,000 miles or so in the last 3.5 years.

In the last year or so, I've started to notice that the range is decreasing. I can still charge the bike up to 100%, but that full charge only gets me 25-30 miles now where it used to go farther on the same charge.

My girlfriend bought a Como 4.0 on the same day as I bought mine, but she hasn't ridden hers nearly as frequently. Her bike is still capable of 40+ miles on a ride at this point. Mine is not. We did a ride yesterday and had to cut it short at 24 miles because my bike was running out of juice and hers was not.

This is making me think I need a replacement battery for my Como. Is that correct? If so, what are my options? Will Specialized replace it under warranty because the range is fading? I saw on their site that replacements from them are now $1700 and they are out of stock. Are there other batteries available that would work from other companies that are less expensive? Just trying to figure out what my options are at this point.
Are you running Mission Control and if so, what does it show for Battery Health? That might be a place to start. Also, there's an Advanced Diagnostics option which ships off "something" to Specialized.

I noticed last week as I lost power on the last hill home at just about 30 miles, that I suspect my less than one year old battery did not have the range it use to have. I did not think I used more power (turbo v eco) but maybe it is the cooler weather? But Battery Health said I was still at 100%. Creo, here.

Good luck
No idea what Mission Control is.
Available for either Android or Apple in their respective app stores. I am presuming it pairs with your era model.

It uses Bluetooth to pair with the bike and you can modify various aspect of the bike, startup speed, limits at each power setting, etc. But it also shows statistics and the status of updates for the motor, battery, etc. But is also shows the current battery percent and as I indicated, Battery Health. If it works for your bike, give it a try. It will also show the route, distance, elevation, power....
The Specialized warranty is for 2 years or 300 charging cycles (whichever comes first). Now, you decidedly should check the Battery Health status. Is your Como equipped with a colour BLOKS or black-and-white TCD-w display? In the latter case, please do what @kahn said:
  • Download Specialized Mission Control onto your phone
  • Register your account with Specialized.com (the best, using the computer)
  • Start Mission Control. Pair the e-bike with Mission Control
  • Register your Como in Mission Control.
You will see Battery Health in Mission Control.
In case your Como is equipped with BLOKS display or you cannot use Mission Control, ask your Specialized LBS for diagnosis.

Now. You said 2,000 miles ridden and battery degradation could be observed. Let me share my own data: My Vado 5.0 has been ridden for 6,900 miles in the last 2.5 years. I have been rotating two batteries of the same size you have in your Como, so each battery was used for 3,450 miles. The detailed diagnostics read the battery health was 92%. In practical terms, it means the fully charged battery stores 558 Wh instead of 604 Wh now. If I could, say, ride for 50 miles on a brand new battery (Eco, etc), I can ride for 46 miles now. It is not such a big difference!

Did you consider it is the winter time now? Batteries lose a lot of range in low temps (to recover the range when it is warm!)

I personally do not think you should replace the battery. If you feel you need a spare battery, your only option is to order a new U1-600 battery from your Specialized LBS. You won't be able to either buy the battery online or find a replacement. When ordering the battery, please order the battery cover too. It will allow you to rotate the old and the new battery for better longevity.

For your information: I am an owner of a new battery of the type we are talking about. I paid around 1,250 US$ in Europe last Autumn. And I was waiting for several months to get it!
I bought a Como 5.0 back in July 2019. I've ridden it maybe 2,000 miles or so in the last 3.5 years.

In the last year or so, I've started to notice that the range is decreasing. I can still charge the bike up to 100%, but that full charge only gets me 25-30 miles now where it used to go farther on the same charge.

My girlfriend bought a Como 4.0 on the same day as I bought mine, but she hasn't ridden hers nearly as frequently. Her bike is still capable of 40+ miles on a ride at this point. Mine is not. We did a ride yesterday and had to cut it short at 24 miles because my bike was running out of juice and hers was not.

This is making me think I need a replacement battery for my Como. Is that correct? If so, what are my options? Will Specialized replace it under warranty because the range is fading? I saw on their site that replacements from them are now $1700 and they are out of stock. Are there other batteries available that would work from other companies that are less expensive? Just trying to figure out what my options are at this point.
My Como 4.0 purchased in 2019 SUDDENLY went dead last week (2/22). Shock and awe! I did notice slightly less range as you described, but it was charging to 100%. I also made sure to keep an eye on my storage shed temps, etc., for battery health and ran the "app" now and then. My warranty was .5 years past expiration. Classic! Fortunately, my LBS took pity on me gave me a discount on the new $900-$1000 battery ($350 discount). Also, my new battery has been increased from 500ishWh to 600ishWh. Perhaps you can negotiate with your LBS, especially if you have bought more than one bike?? Good luck.
I gave my girlfriend a similar bike for her birthday last week and she LOVES it! She has always been a traditional cyclist but she was afraid to even try my Vado because one of her girlfriends told her it was a "rocket ship" and she was afraid of it. For her birthday last week I got her a slightly used Como (just 44 miles on it) and this weekend we went to Pacific Grove and rode all over the Monterey Peninsula, all along the coast and along 17 Mile Drive. It was a great experience and she is now hooked, which is exactly what I was hoping for. Once availability loosens up a bit I would like to get a couple of the 604wh batteries for our bikes, just like you did.